Monday, August 13, 2018


Many shamanic (and other magical) traditions across the world use dolls of one kind or another.

In Mongolia and Siberia, they are used as houses for the helper spirits or ancestors (ongons) to live in, and the same is found in Tibetan Buddhism - all the statues of the Buddhist beings are 'blessed and awoken,' and the spirit invited to live inside the statue.

Idolatry has a bad name because of silly Abrahamic rules - but idolatry is important and idols are cool.

Dolls are also used in healing (and cursing) a lot too.

I did a ceremony recently with a Nepalese shaman friend where we made clay dolls which represented us - filled with our hair and toenail clippings, and then our illness, attachments, defilements, pollutions, were ceremonially put into these clay dolls, and then the dolls were put out in the wilds - so the harmful spirits would attach and eat them - not us. You get the same kind of ceremony - often called a 'ransom ceremony' in lots of shamanic traditions.

I was in a conversation with Jennifer Kim - a traditional Korean shaman - this morning, about her way of working, and she shared some photos of the dolls used in Korean shamanism for healing... perhaps we can tempt her to post here about them too :) ....... but I'm not sure how 'open' that tradition is, a lot of shamanic ways - in all cultures - are not 'open' to just anyone - they are esoteric (closed) instead of exoteric (open)

I use dolls a lot in my shamanism, for healing and protection work with people.

The basic way I do it is simple, and I give this teaching here openly, for anyone here to do, or adapt.

I use a small figure of the person I have been asked to work for. Remember you need permission from the person - or in the case of a child their parents - you don't just 'do it' on people - that's unethical.

I use either a small cut out figure, made of leather, or a bronze doll. I have a selection of bronze shaman's dolls from Inner Mongolia - these are traditionally made to represent ancestral figures and spirits, but I often use them to represent the person I'm working for. I also have one or two wooden dolls I use sometimes.

I call my spirits, and then when I am in the ceremony, I call the spirit of the sick person and put them into the doll. If you don't know how to do this you are not really capable of doing this work yet.

I then place the person onto a bronze shaman's mirror.

Bronze mirrors (toli) are important things in traditional shamanism and they have a lot of uses. One thing they are used for is as a connection to the sacred centre of everything - so by putting a doll-person on a mirror, you are symbolically putting them in the very centre of creation.. a place of perfect balance and great power. They are truly centred.

Placing them on a mirror is also very protective.

Now, I know, most of you don't work with shaman's mirrors like I do - so here you have to listen to your own spirits about what you should use.

I have a bag of dried flower petals from an inca dispachio ceremony I was in once, and I sometimes use those as a bed for the doll-person to rest on. I also have a a square of white rabbit fur I use sometimes. You have to find what is right for you. Ask your spirits.

I quite often wind red wooden thread, or red ribbons, around the doll-person too. Red is a protective colour (the colour of blood, and therefore life) and so, by winding red around them, you are winding protection around them.

Once the doll-person is ready, I then often - generally - put a Buddhist mala (prayer beads) around them too. Again, this is symbolism i work with, because as well as doing shamanism I am a Tibetan Buddhist, and so, for me, they are an ideal powerful thing to make a band of protection and healing around a person.

If the person is needing protection, I often put a secondary protective 'fence' around them - by placing phurbas (ritual demon destroying daggers) around them - facing outwards.

Again this is drawing on my Tibetan Buddhist practices - I work a lot with phurbas, and am initiated into the practice in a Tibetan way, so I often do quite specific phurba practice around people too - the aim of which is to kill (or at least immobile) any spirits which are provoking them (causing them fear, being hostile to them, or causing illness)

You can ask your spirits about other things you can do. A circle of salt around someone is an excellent barrier for example. When I am working with physical people I often use a circle of eagle feathers or a circle of sage (smudge) or a circle of tobacco, or blue cornmeal - any of these can be used with a doll-person.

Then the doll-person is there - with you - on your altar (even if physically they are 1000 miles away), and you then can work with them - using the doll-person as a surrogate.

I often have people on my altar like this for weeks if it's a long healing process, or if they are in great need. Sometimes - a few people - are on my altar in doll form permanently, until they die - for years sometimes.

When the time comes to dismantle the doll-person healing - i thank the spirits, and I dismantle the doll, and it's bed.

The spirit of the person is still in the doll - so it has to be sent back. Again, if you don't know how to do this you should not be working in this way yet.

The doll is now empty and ready to be used for the next healing.

Author: Nicholas Breeze Wood
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Sunday, August 12, 2018


Religion, Christianity, Is Jesus a Pagan name?,Messiah,Yeshua,Hebrew translators,Yaysoo,Jaysoo,YHWH,Messiah's name
In a recent Messianic magazine there appeared an article that purported to address the question,"Is the name "Jesus" pagan?" The article was clearly a defense of the use of the name "Jesus", in spite of that author's admission that this is not the "original" name (birth name) given to the Messiah (by his Jewish mother, Miryam). The article leaves the reader with the notion that Jesus is just as valid, if not more valid, than Y'shua1 when referring to the Messiah. And it arrives at this deduction by the most careless etymology and stunted logic, ignoring the weightier matters of the issue. The "issue" raised in this article is a prize-winning deception, designed to decoy the unwary from the real issue of the word "Jesus".

Early in the article, the author demonstrated the difficulty of transliterating from Hebrew to Greek and the ease of transliterating from Hebrew to English. A detailed letter-by-letter (from the Hebrew aleph-bet to the Greek alphabet) "transliteration" of the name, Yeshua to the Greek name, Iesous was brought forth as evidence. Because there are no equivalent sounds of many of the letters, this so-called "transliteration" becomes, in reality, a translation. There is so little assonance between "Yeshua" and "Eeaysooce" that calling this a transliteration is an offense to even the most debased scholarship. There is no way to transliterate this name between these two languages! The best that can be done is to translate, which is what was done in the Septuagint by its Hebrew translators.

The name Septuagint is late-Latin (the ecclesiastical tongue of the Roman Corporate Church) from septem + ginta which hints at the 70 (approximately) translators who produced the Greek version of the Tanakh (the "Old" Testament). A study of the etymology of the word "Jesus", in even as mundane a source as the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, reveals that this name does not come directly from the Greek "Iesous", but derives from the early-Latin "Iesu", the "I" pronounced initially as a "Y" producing Yay-soo. The "I" in the middle-ages was differentiated into the "I" and the "J" in our Latin alphabet used for the English language. Thus, in late-Latin, the Iesou (Yaysoo) became Jesu (Jaysoo) which became Jesus in the English tongue. This relationship in the etymology is omitted by the author in his "apologetics."

Regardless, the word Jesus has no direct ancestry from the Greek Iesous, as is implied by the author, but at best, it derives from the late-Latin Jesu , a fact completely missing in the cited article. However, all of this etymology, even with the missing link provided above, is a decoy to distract our attention from the real problem with this word "Jesus."

We have never used the argument that Jesus is somehow a compound of Gee-Zeus (Zeus being the chief "god" of the Greek Pantheon) although there is certainly an extreme degree of assonance (which is the core of the art of transliteration) with the "Jesus" word. We have never pursued that possibility to any extent since it is totally irrelevant. The only relevant issue is: What was/is the Messiah's name given to him by his mother, Miryam, in accordance with the angelic messenger's revelation to her?

Since the author of the subject article didn't have any problems with the name Yeshua being the Messiah's "original" name, why not look firstly at what is NOT the issue here? The issue is NOT, " whether the word Jesus is pagan!" The issue is NOT how to "transliterate" Yeshua into Greek! The issue is NOT how to "transliterate" Greek Iesous into Latin! The issue is NOT even how to "transliterate" the Latin Jesu into English! The issue IS how to transliterate the real name, Yeshua, from the Hebrew, into English. We certainly don't need to go through Greek into Latin and then from Latin into English. Why would anyone want to take such a circuitous route, unless he's trying to "prove" the validity of the erroneousness, "Jesus?"

To transliterate the Hebrew Yeshua to English, we merely go to Yeshua1. Thus his name is pronounced Yeshua both in Aramaic and in English - a perfect transliteration. What could be simpler? Whether Jesus is a pagan name isn't what matters! What matters is the fact that Jesus was never the name of the Messiah of YHWH, whose story is recorded in the new testament!

Proper names are not translated from one language to another if it is possible to transliterate. If that is impossible, to accurately transliterate a proper name (as is the case in transliterating from Hebrew to Greek), then it is still possible to teach them how to correctly pronounce the name of the Messiah; similar to the way that English speaking people would learn how to correctly pronounce the Spanish word "Chihuahua" or the French word "resume". They need someone who knows the correct pronunciation to teach them.

The change of the Messiah's name from Yeshua (Yahusha) to Jesus (a mistranslation) certainly serves the purpose of obscuring his Jewish identity and his Jewish ministry. The true ministry of Yahusha the Messiah is and was dedicated to finding the "lost sheep of the House of Israel." History, both religious and secular, is clear that the "Church" has expended a vast effort to distance itself from the true nature, origins, and purpose of this Jewish Messiah!

The "scholarship" of the subject article is a paradigm (an example) of eisegesis pawned off as exegesis. If this represents the "best" understanding that these people have about such issues, then they are woefully inadequate to be the tool to accomplish the reunion of the Two Houses and restoration of the united kingdom of Yisrael. The "churches" and their teachings have not, do not, and will not ever cause the Tribes of Judah to become jealous!! Nor will they be able to bring the genuine Messiah to his people (see Romans chapter 11).

It is no surprise that the number of "religious" people who want to bring "Jesus" to the Jews, clearly do not have a grasp of many of the Ephraim/Judah issues that plague the unity of those two Houses. Churchianity has been in the sun way too long, and it is going to be a tough process for them to discard the pagan and/or error-filled baggage they bring with them. Judah (the Jew) has considerable Talmudic baggage to discard as well. I am reminded of the declaration of the prophet Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..."

We are not interested in bringing "Jesus" errors to Judah; there are already enough groups doing that. We do support bringing Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Yahusha the Messiah) to both Ephraim and Judah: and there is an immense historical difference between Jesus and Yeshua. People's eternal life depends on the acceptance of the genuine and rejection of the false.

Our king is totally opposed to perpetuating the centuries of misinformation and disinformation promulgated by the church leaders who have used their pulpits to disseminate their apostasy. The prophet to Israel, Jeremiah 16:19, prophecies: "O YHWH, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, 'Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit.'"

We need to examine the Scriptures from a Hebraic perspective (not always a Jewish perspective) in order to glean all the truth and nuances of the Hebrew writers of those books and arrive at the intended (by YHWH) understanding of the Hebrew words of YHWH to the people to whom He entrusted the oracles. Those people were NOT the "churches."

We take seriously the imperative in Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 58:1, "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins." We know that we are citizens of the Kingdom of YHWH and have no allegiance to any denomination on earth nor any man. Our Kohen HaGadol (High Priest) is Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Yahusha the Messiah) and he ministers in the Great Temple of YHWH our Father on our behalf.
1 (Yeshua) is a contraction of (Yahusha)

Author: Yahkov Hartley
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Islam, Who is the first Muslim?,RaM,First Muslim for Quran,First Muslim, Religion, Is Abraham first Muslim?,An'am,A'raf,Ali'ImranWHO IS THE FIRST MUSLIM FOR QURAN?
For An'am 163, the first Muslim is Muhammad.

For A'raf 143, the first Muslim is Moses.

For Ali'Imran 67, the first Muslim is Abraham.

An'am 163: "No partner has Him. And this I have been commanded, and I am the first [among you] of the Muslims."
The above verse states that Muhammad is the first Muslim, but it is null and void.

A'raf 143: "... Exalted are You! I have repented to You, and I am the first of the believers."
The above verse states that Moses is the first Muslim, but its also null and void.

This following verse making An'am 163 and A'raf 143 verse null and void
Ali'Imran 67: "Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was one inclining toward truth, a Muslim [submitting to AllŒh]. And he was not of the polytheists."

Abraham was a Muslim before them because he lived before Muhammad and Moses. There seems to be a complexity of being Muslims about prophets like Adam, Idris, Noah who lived before Abraham.

Writer: Religion and Mythology
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Is God mighty?,God,Powerful God, Religion, Religion and Science, Existence,God and Religions,Religions are lie
An artists impression map of the rendering of the universe according to the bible, Gods word. A concept that is still held dear today in religious fundamentals.
Why would a god reveal wrong information . could it be that ancients attributed their own ignorant thoughts to a god? In a subjective way !!? You may say that God cares that why he made it possible for us later humans after thousands of years to develop tech to navigate the universe and know things.

If God is all powerful, why did he decide the ancients to have a crappy and stupid concept of the universe? A God who requires hundreds of thousands of years to prove a point is not an omnipotent god.

A god who waits for human brains to evolve with time and develop tech to answer themselves is indeed a god who obeys and is subject to the laws of nature which he supposedly created himself.

And such a god is self-refuting. A question has been asked, can God create something so heavy as a rock, that even himself can't lift?
It was dubbed paradox of the millennium. If he can. Then he is not god. If he can't then he is not omnipotent.

Like I said I don't completely rule out the existence of a supreme first cause, or designer, but what I'm highly skeptical about is the manner in which religions perceive him and his interactions with humans. Should a god exist, then he is not inextricably intertwined with religion.

Author: Tut Baue
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Atheism, Religion, Thinking about religion,When i believed in theism,After theism,Human suffering
Atheism and existential angst and depression.
I was certainly much happier years ago when I believed in theism/polytheism. I was indoctrinated as a child to believe that our world and our history of incredible violence, tyranny, injustice, warfare, genocide and human suffering was created by a loving God who was good and that there was a great battle between good and evil going on, and that eventually, over time, good would triumph over evil, but as I grew older it seemed to me that religious evil was part of the problem of our world and that the world's most profitable and popular gods were themselves definitions of evil.

I almost never suffered from depression when I was atheist, but unfortunately, I now suffer from an almost constant depression which I have to almost constantly fight, though, in terms of my personal life, I have very little to be unhappy about, I am semi-retired and I live a relatively comfortable life and I share my life with someone whom I love very much.

I seem to spend much of my time on the Internet discussing political and religious evil and it does not give me any sense of happiness; perhaps a sense of purpose, but certainly not happiness; I find the exercise of discussing political and religious evil to be extremely depressing. Sometimes I often wish I could be an optimistic theist again, but I simply cannot; human reason forbids me.

The history of our world is that of tyranny, violence, slavery, injustice, warfare, genocide, religious, political and economic evil and incredible human suffering. I live in a quiet village which is much like the Hobbit world, and the suffering of the world comes to me only from news reports. It scars me; it scars my mind and I exist in a state of depression, existential angst and mental suffering which I find myself trying to constantly fight and it is a battle I am losing. Sometimes I take a week off the Internet where I post rarely and just drink a lot of alcohol and get stoned, but when I come down from that the angst returns once again.

All is full of war and human suffering.

Author: Martin Black

Admin's Note: I'm thinking that you have to find the energy or a reason for living happily. But the reason isn't like a divine duty. This is just life, we can try be satisfied and, enjoy the colors of life. I'm believing to god, but this god isn't like a white beared man watching us from the sky and holding a magic staff. I believe that the universe is God. Because universe doing everything, like giving a life and, collecting the dead parts to build something new from them. This is just my belief (Pandeism).
But if you aren't believe something, this is cannot be a reason for feeling bad or something. Just live.
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Science, Evolution, Evolution Theory, Dna, Religion and Science, Is creation by intelligent design?, Intelligent design,
When a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, does the DNA rearrange itself? It is quite a change.

In the evolutionary theory, the DNA has to change by mutation then naturally selected for trans-speciation such as the end product of chimps and humans to happen over the last six million years or a land animal evolving into all of our seafaring whales and porpoises.
However, there is a second code aside from the DNA sequences that pass traits and adaptations that don't need to mutate the DNA mutations. That upsets the evolutionary apple cart.

That's is how caterpillars become butterflies. No DNA letters [A C T G ] rearrangement happens. It is a chemical modification that switches the underlying DNA on and off...and turn them up and down like a volume control. It is an overlying epigenome. The way and means are called 'epigenetics'. In 2014 it was reported for the first time that orderly epigenetic modifications...not DNA mutations...pass traits for proven hundreds of generations and thousands is inferred. Before, scientist thought it was for two or three generations and resets.

These epigenetic modifications are observed in-species of life needing to adjust to the environment or a new diet. The theory of evolution has used these in-species modifications as 'evidence' for trans-species evolution. It has been a sleight of hand all these years. A false equivalency. An orderly chemical modification is different from the disorder of DNA mutations. What does order imply? Creation by intelligent design. The posed Godless, all natural self-assembly of life by disorderly and dangerous DNA mutations has not ever happened. The genetic breakdown and disease processes are NOT evidenced for evolution any longer. We now know the science that kills the evolutionary theory.

Author: Robert Ackerman
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Saturday, August 11, 2018


Christianity, Judaism, Religion, False teaching about Jesus, False stories about Jesus, Jewish Bible, Paganism in Bible, Is Paganism living in Bible, Psalms 23:1, Pagan points in Bible,
Psalms 23:1...."I am the Good Shepherd"... John 10:11

So what is it? Is Jesus the "lamb of God" (a pagan concept) or is he a good shepherd watching over the lambs (sheep)?

In fact, the whole “lamb of G-d” concept of pagan – just do a review of Mithraism or other pagan religions to see that they called their gods the “lamb of god.” The image is one of an Egyptian god with the head of a sheep (adult lamb).

The Jewish Bible (T’nach) makes it clear time and again that lambs were considered holy by the pagans – including the Egyptians – and this is where John 10 takes the concept of “lamb of God” – most certainly NOT from Judaism. Read the story of Joseph in B'reshit / Genesis 46:34 – he says that being a shepherd is “taboo” in Egypt – because they were HOLY to the Egyptians (gods). "you must say, 'We and our fathers have dealt in livestock all our lives'. You will then be able to settle in the Goshen district since all shepherds are taboo in Egypt.'"

Go forward a few chapters to Sh'mot / Exodus and read the discussion between Moses and Pharaoh. Moses asked Pharaoh to allow the Jews to go into the desert and sacrifice the שֶׂה seh -- the reason was that we did not want to kill the שֶׂה seh in front of the Egyptians: "We can’t possibly do that,” said Moses, “because we’re going to sacrifice the Egyptians’ G-d to HaShem our G-d! If we were to sacrifice their G-d right in front of them, wouldn’t they pelt us with rocks?” (Sh'mot / Exodus 8:22).

The Egyptians would pelt us with rocks because we were INSULTING them by bringing a celebratory sacrifice of the שֶׂה seh (paschal goat or lamb) -- because the Egyptians worshiped the שֶׂה seh as a god! The Egyptian god Khnum had the head of a ram. Jews did not worship lambs as gods, the thought of a "lamb of G-d" in Judaism is non-existent. The idea is totally pagan, as Moses discussed with Pharaoh. . .

Pagan on every single count.

On the one hand, Christian missionaries call Jesus the lamb of god (pagan as discussed above) -- but here they claim Jesus is the "good shepherd." John goes even farther saying that Jesus is "the good shepherd (who) lays down his life for the sheep."

The claimed "prophecy" is line one of T'hillim / Psalm 23 -- but yet again the first line is actually skipped. The actual first line of T'hillim / Psalm 23 says "A song of David. The L-rd is my shepherd; I shall not want."

A SONG OF (about) DAVID.

Does it saying anything about human shepherds?

Does it say anything about a human shepherd giving up his life for his "sheep"?


Nary a hint of such a concept.

What about line 2? Christian translations tend to omit the first line completely (as in the KJV) or don't number it. So what is line 2 -- the line they tend to call line 1? It is "He causes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters." T'hillim / Psalm 23:2 (1 in Christian versions).

Does that speak about a good shepherd (who) lays down his life for the sheep?

No again.

This is not about Jesus, it is about King David. David is saying, in this poem (not a literal statement -- but a poem, and not prophecy either) that G-d is always watching over him, as a shepherd watches its flock.

David, as king, was the human shepherd of the Jewish people -- but he was telling his people to direct their devotion to G-d, not to him -- a mere human.

The missionaries sometimes take any statement about G-d in the T'nach and claim it fits Jesus. Yet it is upon the missionary to prove that Jesus is G-d -- which they cannot do because he was not G-d. . . It may sound pretty to call Jesus a shepherd -- but there is no connection at all between the words of King David in this psalm and the claimed prophetic fulfillment made by the list maker.

One can debate whether or not Jesus was a shepherd of his followers -- but the fact is that T'hillim / Psalm 23:2 (1 in Christian versions) is a poem written by King David about his relationship with G-d and does not fit Jesus.

Only John declared (Jn 1:29; 36) that Jesus is the "Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." Strange that such a vital theological point/teaching was omitted by Mark, Matthew, or Luke. Stranger yet is that Jesus never made such an unequivocal claim. John or the Johannine community was writing about 95 CE and reflects high Christology. By that time every who had experienced the purported events during and following Jesus's ministry were dead. Jerusalem was destroyed. Therefore, nobody could refute this or other FALSE teachings and stories about Jesus.

Author: Hans Fransen
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Islam, Dogs in Islam, Islam hates, Animals in Islam, Errors in Quran, Errors in Koran, Hadiths, al-Bukhari, Angels hates the dog in Islam, Science and Islam, Religion,
I do not want to demonstrate the numerous scientific and conceptual errors of the Quran. With such a contribution, I am not going to hit your reason, but I want to dwell on another aspect of Islam: the denial of that humanity that is inherent to every man.

The concept of impurity comes from the Bible: according to the Jewish religion, animals can be classified as pure or impure (from the alimentary point of view), according to precise rules: for example you can eat every ruminant quadruped that has a divided nail from a fissure, while it is considered an abomination to eat the animals that crawl on the earth, walking on the belly or with more than two feet.

From these rules, we deduce that we should not eat pork and shellfish, but the prohibited animals are numerous, and the chosen criteria, sometimes senseless.

The Koran (2:173) excludes, in addition to blood and dead animals (which of course could be decomposing), only the pig.

Food prescriptions for certain foods may make sense: there are non-edible or potentially harmful meats, but in any case, it should be medicine, certainly not religion, to give food advice! Like humans, every animal can be a bearer of infections, particularly the pig, although today's pigs are very different from those that Muhammad knew: some breeds have percentages of fat comparable to calves, and modern food techniques should guarantee their healthiness! However, it is undoubtedly true that by consuming raw or undercooked pork, of uncertain origin, it is possible to be infected by some dangerous pests!

On the other hand, Muhammad advised milk and camel urine (an animal that he loved so much), as a miracle cure for any pathology, but the camels may be, among other things, carriers of two potentially fatal diseases: trypanosomosis (disease of sleep, also transmitted by tsetse flies) and the MERS (coronavirus Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome), identified for the first time in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, a virus for which there is still no cure or even a vaccine. The WHO attests that since 2012 there have been 2200 cases, especially in Arabia, with 790 deaths, so the syndrome has a very high mortality!

Therefore, if food bans can be quite understandable, the concept of impurities regarding animals that are generally not part of our diet takes on a very different value.

For example, as attested by some Hadiths of al-Bukhari, Muhammad has repeatedly expressed the belief that dogs are impure and unclean animals, in addition to the ridiculous assertion that they alienate angels, or are manifestations of the devil:

- Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar:
Allah's Messenger ordered that the dogs should be killed.
Vol. 4, Book 54, Hadith 540

- Narrated Abu Talha:
I heard Allah's Messenger said: "Angels do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or a picture of a living creature”.
Vol. 4, Book 54, Hadith 448

- Narrated `Aisha:
The things which annul the prayers were mentioned before me. They said, "Prayer is annulled by a dog, a donkey and a woman (if they pass in front of the praying people)." 
Vol. 1, Book 9, Hadith 490

- Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Messenger said, "If a dog drinks from the utensil of anyone of you it is essential to wash it seven times."
Vol. 1, Book 4, Hadith 173

- It was narrated that Abu Dharr said:
“I asked the Messenger of Allah about the all-black dog and he said: ‘(It is) a devil’
Sunan Ibn Majah Vol. 4, Book 28, Hadith 3210

For about 50,000 years, since prehistoric times, man has used the dog's collaboration to protect the flocks from the aggression of wild animals or the theft of the enemy tribes. It is commonly said that the dog is "the best friend of man": this relationship now very old, started for practical needs, has turned into time, in a special bond and mutual benefit. A dog keeps company, makes the owners active, sociable and in a good mood; and the commitment it requires is offset by numerous positive aspects. Even the simple fact of having a visual contact with your dog can release in our body oxytocin, a hormone of well-being and happiness. A research has also found that those who own a dog are generally less depressed, feel less alone, have higher self-esteem and tend to suffer less than stress.

Dogs were originally descended from wolves. These animals live in packs and are intimately linked to the members of their group from what in human terms we could call loyalty. Stephen Zawistowski, a scientific advisor, states that dogs see the humans they live with, as members of their "herd", and therefore are ready to defend them in all circumstances.

Certainly, no one can deny the important role played by the dog in service and in union with man, on various occasions of danger and relief, and in the daily help offered to the handicapped, whether a motor, sensory or psychic. In the early 60s the American psychiatrist Boris Levinson coined the term 'pet therapy', to indicate a practice of support to other forms of traditional therapies, which exploits the positive effects given by the proximity of an animal, on children, the elderly, people with psychological or relational problems, a complex and delicate syntony that stimulates emotional activation and favors openness to new experiences, new ways of communicating, new interests.
Dogs are not only "friends" of man, they can also be their protectors. They can guide the blind in any place, save people trapped by collapses, avalanches or earthquakes, recover them at sea or in the snow. In addition, some dogs manage to predict the arrival of their master's epileptic seizure, about 15 minutes before this happens. If trained, some dogs start barking to push the patient to sit down to limit the damage of the attack.

In 2004, the neurologist Adam Kirton of Alberta Children's Hospital in Canada published the results of a study done to verify this behavior by dogs in the journal "Neurology". It seems that before an epileptic attack, the patient's body undergoes physiological changes and changes in sweating, which the dog, with its extraordinarily developed sense of smell, can detect. The sense of smell, the knowledge of the smell of one's master and the affection towards him, make the dog assume towards him an attitude of concern and protection. There are also numerous testimonies of parents of epileptic children, according to which the dogs of the house, before the crisis, began to show strange behavior, keeping the sick children away from dangers that could be fatal during the crisis, like the stairs of home.

In many countries with vast snow-covered or icy surfaces, dog-sleigh is still used as a means of locomotion, but currently, dogs are also trained to detect drugs, weapons, explosives or tobacco, working with police patrols.

On the monument standing in front of a Missouri, court is engraved as one of the most moving statements that have ever been dedicated to the boundless love of a dog. In the nineteenth century, George Graham Vest pronounced it before becoming a senator when he sponsored a neighbor whose dog had been killed by another man. When Vest concluded the final pleading, the jury took a few minutes to pronounce the verdict. The plaintiff obtained five hundred dollars of damages, even if the judge could not fulfill the wish of the jurors that the murderer of the dog ended up in jail, because then the law did not admit such a penalty.

These are the words pronounced by Senator Vest:
"... The only friend completely devoid of selfishness that a man can have in this selfish world, the only one who never abandons him, the only one who never finds himself ungrateful or unfair, is the dog. The dog remains close to the owner in prosperity and poverty, in health and in sickness. While staying at his side, he sleeps on the icy ground, when the winter winds blow and the snow falls. He kisses the hand that has no food to offer, licks the wounds and sores caused by the clash with the roughness of the world. Watch over the sleep of a poor man as if he were a prince. When all the other friends leave, he stays. When riches take flight and reputation shatters, it is just as constant in its love as the sun in the path that follows in the sky. If fate leads the master to wander the world like a pariah, without friends and homeless, the faithful dog asks for no other privilege than to accompany him, to protect him from danger and fight against his enemies, and when the final scene arrives and the death holds the master in his embrace and his body is laid in the cold earth, no matter if all the other friends will accompany him; there, near the tomb, there will be the noble dog, with his head between his paws and his eyes, but open as a sign of vigilance, faithful and sincere even in death".

There are many incredible stories, sad and wonderful at the same time, which testify to the extraordinary bond and absolute dedication that dogs feel towards their master.

One of the most famous is the story of Hachiko, the legendary Akita dog whose story, from his native country, has spread to the rest of the world. The most famous dog in Japan, came back to the fore a few years ago, thanks to the moving film version, starring Richard Gere.

Born in Odate, Hachiko, whose real name was Hachi (number eight, considered auspicious), had been adopted just two months by Hidesaburo Ueno, a professor at the University of Tokyo.
For two years the little dog accompanied the professor daily to the Shibuya district station and every day he also waited for his return from the university. But on 21 May 1925, the drama takes place. Ueno was struck down by a stroke during a lesson, suddenly dying. Hachiko, however, continued for about 10 years, to go, systematically every day, to the station around 17, the time of arrival of the train of his human companion. Its history, with the passage of time, began to spread throughout Japan becoming the living symbol of canine fidelity. In 1934, when he was still alive, a bronze statue was made in his honor, located right in the railway station that made him famous. Another statue was dedicated to Odate, his hometown, with the same dog present at the inauguration. Hachiko died on March 8, 1935, at the age of 13, a news that ended up on all the front pages of the Japanese newspapers. The dog's embalmed body was then exhibited at the Tokyo National Museum of Nature and Science, while some bones were buried next to the grave where the master rests.

Every year, on the anniversary of the death, a ceremony is held in front of the Hachiko statue to commemorate its inexhaustible devotion to the master. For 80 years since his death, the University of Tokyo wanted to remember him with another statue, this time with his owner. A moving image, waiting for 90 years.

A similar case also happened in Italy. In the winter of 1941, Carlo Soriani found a dog, a crossbreed of English Pointer, wounded in a ditch. The man brought it home and decided to adopt it, giving it the name of Fido (trusty): never name was more suitable. Once reestablished, the dog was a faithful companion of life and every morning he accompanied him from his home to the central square of Luco del Mugello, where Soriani took the bus to Borgo San Lorenzo. After seeing him leave, Fido go back home and then returned to wait for him at the bus stop every evening. On December 30, 1943, the man died under a bombing and that evening Fido waited in vain! But he did not want to surrender to reality, his affection was stronger than time and death: for 14 years, until his death in 1958, he went every day to wait for the bus. Fido carefully examined every passenger coming down from the vehicle, throwing a last disappointed and heartfelt glance at the now empty vehicle, before returning home. On November 9, 1957, the mayor of Borgo San Lorenzo gave Fido a gold medal. A bronze monument was placed shortly after the death of the animal in front of the town hall, with the dedication: "A Fido, an example of loyalty". His story was also told in a video of the Istituto Luce.
Throughout the world, dogs trained in research have saved the lives of many thousands of people, but in some circumstances even the common domestic dogs have turned into real heroes, sometimes sacrificing their lives, to protect their master. I bring only two brief examples.
On May 21, 2014, Chris Wacker was harvesting wild mushrooms in Minnesota, in the company of his dog Toby, a handsome black labrador (according to Muhammad, the black dogs would be demons) of 8 years.

Unfortunately, during the search for mushrooms, the unfortunates came across a couple of big black bears with puppies. It is known that bears, in the presence of their puppies, are particularly aggressive, driven by the instinct of protection towards offspring.

Realizing the danger, the fearless Toby tried to defend his master, barring his way to the female.
Chris, feeling unable to do anything to save his beloved dog, also saw the threat of the other large specimen, decided to escape. When he arrived at the home of his father who lived in those areas, the man was convinced he would not see his dog again, but soon Toby returned to him, despite being seriously injured. It had many fractures and lacerations, with cuts of up to 15 centimeters. Taken to a veterinary clinic, he died in Chris's arms.

A dog is willing to do anything to save the life of his master. To prove it (again) is a story with a happy ending in Michigan, starring a Golden Retriever named Kelsey and his owner Bob. In a cold evening during New Year's Eve parties, with a polar temperature, Bob went out into the garden to get wood for the fireplace, but as he lowered himself, he fell and hurt his neck and lost his senses. Kelsey, arrived to the rescue, immediately stretched out on him to repair him with the heat of his body. Meanwhile, trying to keep him awake, he continued to bark for someone to notice the accident. The neighbors noticed the accident, only after many hours, finding the dog that still protected Bob. Of his injury, he does not remember anything, but the doctor who operated it said that if Kelsey had not been to heat it, Bob would have lost his life by frostbite.

Many Muslim theologians state that the dog's saliva is considered unclean.
The hypothesis that dogs can transmit diseases to men by licking their master, derives mainly from bad information, without any proof corroborated by specific evidence. Many are convinced that by the fact that the dog can lick and eat anything that is on the ground, the man is likely to contract terrible diseases, but some studies show that the bite of a man is much more infected than that of a dog. In the saliva of the dog and the cat are in fact present enzymes, such as lysozyme, and others such as lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, glucose-oxidase. In different chemical ways, these enzymes have a recognized antibacterial activity, and they are used to naturally disinfect the mouth, as well as having an anti-plaque action. So a dog that licks its owner (especially if they are regularly given the vaccines), can hardly transmit diseases, indeed it can transfer beneficial bacteria, which would be interpreted by our body as antibodies. The research, performed by Kim Kelly and Charles Raison, has laid out new rules regarding animal behavior. The dog's bacteria are present in its saliva, coming directly from the intestine: it would be probiotic bacteria, similar to those that we usually find in yogurt, and these antibodies would stimulate the immune response of our body.

In reality the only potentially fatal disease is given by the "Capnocytophaga canimorsus", a subtle bacterium present in the saliva of dogs and other animals that, in contact with human mucous membranes, can provoke septicemia, a general infection to the whole body. A similar case actually occurred: a seventy-year-old pensioner ended up in intensive care for a very rare form of septicemia contracted by her dog, a small greyhound. It took two weeks in intensive care (one-month hospital) and antibiotic treatment to defeat the disease. In reality, any bacterium can cause sepsis and this disease particularly affects people with an already compromised immune system.

Even the cat's saliva can provoke septicemia, but Muhammad, who adored cats (but not dogs), did not include them among the animals considered impure!

All this indicates that, like so many other things, that Muhammad made his choices according to his personal tastes, rather than logical, scientific or religious considerations, then to observe his teachings to the letter, can lead to blatant errors!

Uncritically following his absurd dictates, can generate more violence, beyond that which already spreads the world! In Vienna, Ingrid, a 54-year-old lady, accompanied by her two dogs (one of them with three legs), while she was talking to her neighbors in front of their gate, was brutally assaulted by an 18-year-old Somali girl with a veil, and thrown to the ground. Ingrid was operated twice in the Wilhelminen Hospital: her knee was split and it was necessary to replace it with an artificial implant surgically. The reason for such fury was explained by the girl's husband: "We do not want dogs, they are impure"!

The dog, impure animal? The only impure thing is the mind of people who think that a noble and generous animal like a dog can be considered as such!

Every time I meet an abandoned dog, crossing the eyes of his wet eyes, sad and melancholy, I feel a grip on my heart, if I could, I would take it with me. I limit myself when I can, to feed them. I see him walking away sadly, wandering aimlessly with his uncertain step, in search perhaps vain of a little 'food, and especially a caress that warms his heart: all he seeks is to offer his unconditional dedication to a person that knows how to welcome the great gift of his affection.

After abandoning the culture and rational thinking to follow exclusively the Qur'an, you Muslims, forced into the cage of the (often absurd) prescriptions of Sharia, have renounced some of the highest qualities of man: the ability to feel feelings for any living being and humanity that would allow you to feel empathy towards all your similar. You have chosen instead of the rage and anger against those who do not follow your faith!

Author: Remy Fani
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Religion, Islam, Terrorism in Islam, Islamic country, Divine bullshits, Jihad, Divine duty, Killing humans because of religion, Islam is not religion of peace,
Point to Ponder

  • You say, YOUR’S ‘god’ is the ONLY TRUE GOD.
  • You say, YOUR’S ‘Asmani Kitab’ is the ONLY TRUTH.
  • You Say, YOUR’S ‘Faith’ is the ONLY TRUE FAITH.
  • You say, YOUR’S FAITH bestows ‘DIVINE RIGHTS’ upon ‘YOU’ to LORD OVER THE WORLD.

THAT IS WHY, you firmly believe that it is your divine duty to make others (non-Muslims), surrender to your faith (either with your kind of logic /or by ruthless force).


  • You have been Killing (ruthlessly, rapping and robbing) MILLIONS & MILLIONS OF FELLOW HUMANS as a part of your divine duty.
  • You have been destroying one after another, every different CIVILIZATION ON PLANET EARTH.


“Yes! you have been able to establish more than 50 exclusive Islamic Nations for the pious and peaceful (like your own selves), have been able to consolidate almost around 2 billion pious and peaceful like your own selves (devout Muslims).
And of course, you have been feeling proud of your stupendous success.


  • Most of the Drug traffickers, Contact killers, Illegal money changers (Hawala operators), Criminals, racial and religious bigots, Rapists and you name it, everything in the dark world of crime……………. statistically speaking, your kind of pious and peaceful have won almost exclusive monopoly.
  • In the world of TERRORISM, you, the pious and peaceful have (unchallenged) preeminence and control over the world of crime. What if I could say, you are like THE POLAR STAR in the universe of terrorism that provides divine navigational guidance.
  • And almost all YOUR MUSLIM NATIONS are in shambles from JIHAD within and without; their economies destroyed, their once beautiful cities turned in heaps of rubble, their society and social structure in peril, and no one wish and desire to LIVE THERE (not even MUSLIMS THEMSELVES).

Would you please, EVER SHOW TO THE WORLD:


Author: Mohinder Partap Arora
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God, God love robots, Humans creating robots, People, Play the creator, Robotic technology, Robots, Robots can survive without oxygen, Science,
"Philosophical deduction and biological science to predict the future of the human world!"1

The current earth's ecology is irreversible, only worse!

人類各國多數人, 遲早在好幾次,『地球生物大滅絕必然規律下』而消失!
The majority of human beings, sooner or later, disappeared several times, "the inevitable law of the extinction of the Earth's biology"!

Only robots, no human biological structure, biological complex survival needs, and the lack of damage to the extreme changes of the earth's ecology!

Only robots that can survive without oxygen!

If the electricity is operated, it can break through the "high energy generation and storage of small nuclear energy"!

『抗火、抗高溫、抗低冷、防水……』等,內、外組成材料零件精進 !
"Anti-fire, high-temperature resistance, low cold resistance, waterproof...", etc., the inner and outer components of the material are refined!

Still able to survive the extreme deterioration of the earth's ecology, or between the stars of the universe, and the harsh living environment!

Humans create high- and low-order functional robots, and the purpose and purpose:

To assist human beings in the gradual deterioration of the earth's ecology, all kinds of harsh environmental conditions, labor production, and safety guard protection!

And when you run into the earth, "the real destruction of the sky, the destruction of the land!" And humans are hard to survive when the earth is completely extinct!

高、低階機器人,依照人類指令與託負,潛伏地球深海,等待惡劣地球表面生態平息;或出航太陽係,尋找宇宙某星球等 ,適合生物存活環境!
High- and low-order robots, in accordance with human command and support, lurking in the deep sea of the earth, waiting for the earth surface to calm down; or sailing the solar system, looking for a certain planet in the universe, suitable for the living environment!

To extinct humans to store the DNA blueprint of all things, to reproduce all things; also contains human creatures, etc., when the "creator, prophet, instructor, patron saint role play! 』

透過 『祂練選的人類代理人』!
Through the "human agent, he has chosen!"

Guide the rejuvenation of human beings and experience learning stories of survival and evolution!

Cognition "The existence of living environment ecology and the life of all things will inevitably become a bad space, and the impermanence is willing to accept learning! 』

In addition to protecting the Earth's species, it is not invaded by alien aliens, or destroyed by huge meteorites!

It also strictly suppresses the earth and a powerful biological country with strong aggressiveness and cross-over exploration of the solar system!

Avoid being like the earth, often relying on self-subjective beliefs and beliefs, and actively interfering with attacks on species of the Earth!

Crossing the solar system also controls, interferes with, damages, other galaxies, independent living story states, evolutionary learning, etc., "Double relative protection and control mission function! 』

And the vast universe, with the "immortal trait robot", constantly looking for gems in the universe, suitable for the living environment of biological reproduction!

Play the "creator", rehabilitate the role of all things, and serve as the patron saint of every galaxy planet!

Faithful in accordance with the creation of them, the most primitive human command has been extinct: "Protection and respect, tolerance"!

Every planet revives all things, and the survival competition evolves without intervention!

尤其對人類各物種 ,特別關愛!
Especially for human species, special care!

But respect human species, "self-learning": survival and conflicts resolve, can live in peace, related wisdom and heart!

Unless a certain aggressive species of human nationality, like a broken bamboo, interfere with the control or destruction, many self-inflicted or weakened national species!

"Robot Guardian" will intervene in time to suppress, weaken its strong energy, or trigger internal disasters to slow down the offensive...!

讓其他尚未受攻擊影響的物種國家 ,喘息與要警惕自強……!
Let other countries that have not been affected by the attack, take a breather and be vigilant and self-reliant...!

"People love robots and create robots with their looks!

God loves the world!

In order to create its appearance, the primordial human appearance that has disappeared and disappeared, creating and reviving humanity! 』

Author: 許饒順
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