Showing posts with label Evolution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evolution. Show all posts

Sunday, August 12, 2018


Science, Evolution, Evolution Theory, Dna, Religion and Science, Is creation by intelligent design?, Intelligent design,
When a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, does the DNA rearrange itself? It is quite a change.

In the evolutionary theory, the DNA has to change by mutation then naturally selected for trans-speciation such as the end product of chimps and humans to happen over the last six million years or a land animal evolving into all of our seafaring whales and porpoises.
However, there is a second code aside from the DNA sequences that pass traits and adaptations that don't need to mutate the DNA mutations. That upsets the evolutionary apple cart.

That's is how caterpillars become butterflies. No DNA letters [A C T G ] rearrangement happens. It is a chemical modification that switches the underlying DNA on and off...and turn them up and down like a volume control. It is an overlying epigenome. The way and means are called 'epigenetics'. In 2014 it was reported for the first time that orderly epigenetic modifications...not DNA mutations...pass traits for proven hundreds of generations and thousands is inferred. Before, scientist thought it was for two or three generations and resets.

These epigenetic modifications are observed in-species of life needing to adjust to the environment or a new diet. The theory of evolution has used these in-species modifications as 'evidence' for trans-species evolution. It has been a sleight of hand all these years. A false equivalency. An orderly chemical modification is different from the disorder of DNA mutations. What does order imply? Creation by intelligent design. The posed Godless, all natural self-assembly of life by disorderly and dangerous DNA mutations has not ever happened. The genetic breakdown and disease processes are NOT evidenced for evolution any longer. We now know the science that kills the evolutionary theory.

Author: Robert Ackerman
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Saturday, August 11, 2018


Evolution, Science, Religion and Science, Civilization,Life knows,Gravity and planets
Being an animal, that can understand quantum mechanics/ particle physics, is the most profound thing imaginable.

A conscious creature, reaching down with its mind, and developing a model of what the fabric of the universe is made of at its most basic level.

It's like, using the least real thing to recreate the most real thing.

And it all started with walking apes banging rocks together.

And we came to rely on those sharp rocks for survival. And we spread. Into places where banging rocks together didn't make sharp rocks. And so to survive we had to get sharp rocks from the places that did have them. And primates are territorial. So to do that we had to talk to each other. We had to offer as the benefit to those who had sharp rocks. And so we developed language, with which to explain our selves, and labor, with which to offer goods in exchange.

And so society was born. And culture. And oral tradition, with which to pass along the technologies of stone and rope and bone and architecture. And camaraderie. Kinship. People that it was ok to trade with. Because we saw each other as part of the same... thing.

And this leads to civilization. The first great civilizations were stone age civilizations. We forget this. The pyramids were not built in the bronze age. They had copper. But cooper is not good for building in stone. They had camaraderie. Kinship. Cooperation. Cooperation built the pyramids. And that entire civilization. Cooperation, and the passing of knowledge. So that knowledge could increase from one generation to the next.

That cooperation and compounding knowledge lead to the bronze age. Bronze is an alloy made from copper and tin. Cooper and tin, geographically, are not usually found in the same place. Either the copper or the tin had to travel great distances in order to come together to make bronze. That didnt happen by itself. It took humans in North Africa cooperating with humans in the middle east to make bronze. That took mutual benefit. Processed goods, and trade. Organization. Division of labor. Obeying orders. Roles.

And the increased benefit of bronze allowed increased surplus labor. Allowed thinkers. Clergy. Philosophers and writers. To make new knowledge. And the language allowed it to be passed down. And not forgotten.

The iron age more so. And the great empires more so still. More surplus labor, more organization. More clergy, more thinkers, more philosophers, more knowledge.

And then we got to the point we could do science...

Basic stuff at first. Weights and measures, and then velocities and torque. And the gravity and the planets and then the stars.

And then we came to a place where, physicists, a supreme division of labor, could feed themselves by unlocking the most basic secrets of matter, using math and experiment.

And now we know we are made of atoms. Combined particles to make atoms, which combine to do chemistry. Which under the right conditions, make life.

And so we are life that knows what it is.

And all from walking apes banging rocks together.

Author: Trevor Andersen
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Friday, August 10, 2018


It seems many people have trouble admitting many scientific theories or even basic facts, because they can't fathom scales, in time, size, complexity... A sort of myopia about anything that is beyond their range of view. It is certainly hard to grasp the scales in many cases, but could this be the cause for the rejection of many scientific, established knowledge?

Even when they understand the basic theory, they refute the idea that we could have evolved from a common ape ancestor.
This common ancestor is at least six million years ago. It is a timespan that defies imagination. The earliest civilization is 12.000 years old, a factor of 500.
Life appeared 3 billion years ago, another 500 factor. These timescales are so immense, so many things can happen over such a long period of time.

Vaccines were the greatest health improvement around the turn of the 20th century. That's already three or four generations ago, and most of us did not leave in a world where we, or even our parents, were affected by measles, polio, smallpox, tetanus...
As a culture, we tend to forget even the recent past. Three generations is really a blip in history, although, for one human life, it starts to represent a long time.

I read in some thread someone saying that if people were made of atoms, they would be like statues. Here it's the size scale that is beyond common myopia.
An atom is around 300pm, that's 300 trillionths of a meter. That's a scale of ten billion to the size of a human. That's more than there are alive people today.

When you look at the horizon, it's generally 20 or 30kms away. On a sphere of 40.000kms circumference or 1000 times longer, you don't get to see the curvature. And as we usually don't get to rise up high enough to see it, people continue to believe, even today, that it is flat.

Anarchists pretend that the state is useless, that we could do without. If we were to live in a group of 50 or 100, maybe. We would know everyone, and any crime would be known and meted instantly. But nations include millions, tens of hundreds of millions. That's a scale hard to grasp when you have a few hundred friends at most. Things cannot work the same way with this factor.
What do you think? Any other area where myopia would the issue?

Author: Fabrice Cambounet
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