Showing posts with label Prophet Muhammad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prophet Muhammad. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Islam, Prophet Muhammad, Pedophile,Pedophile Muhammad,Was Muhammad a Pedophile?,Muhammad and Aisha,
Was Muhammad a PEDOPHILE?
Muhammad - and any 54-year-old man who has sex with a nine-year-old PREPUBESCENT little girl, for that matter - is a pedophile!

This Prophetic analogy - where Israel is depicted as a baby girl growing, developing, and coming of age - makes that point very, very clear. It states ~

“‘Then I passed by and saw you kicking about in your blood, and as you lay there in your blood I said to you, “Live!” I made you grow like a plant of the field. You grew and developed and entered PUBERTY. Your breasts had formed and your hair had grown, yet you were stark naked. “ ‘Later I passed by, and when I looked at you and saw that you were OLD ENOUGH FOR LOVE...” (Ezekiel 16:6-8)

Not only did the girl (i.e., Israel) FIRST reach PUBERTY, but it was only AFTER that point that Yahweh said that she was READY FOR LOVE.

And even when judged by the scriptures of the PAGANS Muhammad is indubitably found to be a pedophile ~

"Thus the man will be paired with the girl, who is yet a virgin, ONLY AFTER MATURING, WHEN HER BOSOM HAS FULLY DEVELOPED, And when the young man's beard is seen upon his cheek, Within the gardens and paths will she find her husband" (Atrahasis: Tablet 1).*

*Timothy J. Stephany, Enuma Elish: The Babylonian Creation Epic, 2nd ed. (Charleston, South Carolina: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014), 69.
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Muhammad Ibn Abdullah appeared to be a member of the Islamic militant group of the Islamic militant group of the Islamic Republic of Iran. in Arabia. A few examples will explain what I mean:

1. The story of Abraham is the father of the Jewish race of Christian faith was twisted to be the Ancestor of Muhammad the Qyurash Arab through the Ishmael of the last of Abraham of whom God has no covenant. Gen 17:21, 21: 2

2. The story of Abraham was twisted to Abraham (Gen 22; 2) was twisted to Sarah the wife of Abraham (Gen 22; 2) was twisted to Ishmael and his Egyptian mother was born out of wedlock (Q2: 127) Abraham who was tried to be sacrificed on Mount Moriah is a prophet in Islam who followed his father to the valley of Mecca to build Kaaba the shrine of the polytheists which became the center of Islamic worship . Can you believe this?

3. The story of Alexander the Great, the Greek conqueror and King who conquered the world of his time, as well as the history of the two horn man was Twisted to an Islamic prophet and Messengers of Allah called Dhul-Garnain in the Quran 18: 83-86, he was said to have been sent by Allah to follow the sun till he reached the land of the setting sun to either punish them or allow them to live. Can you believe this?

4. The story of Mary the mother of Jesus from Judah who born Jesus in Bethlehem of Judea in a manger was twisted to be Meriam the sister of Aaron the brother of Moses from the tribe of Levi who gave birth to Jesus ) - (he probably means Esau the twin brother of Jacob who is Isa in Arabic) under a Palm tree. (Q19: 23-28) Can you believe this?

5. The story of Jesus Christ who was confirmed crucified by Roman soldiers dead and buried but rose again after three days and ascended to heaven after forty days of appearing to his disciples and giving him much assurance of his resurrected life and gave him his last command (Q4: 157.) Can you believe this? I did not have any problems.

6. The Story of Jesus Coming back again as the kingdom of Kings and Lords of Lord (Rev 1: 8,19: 16 was twisted means Jesus only coming back to deny Christians who worship him as God burn crosses, marry and live as a Muslim and die and be buried beside the grave of Muhammad. Can you believe this? Let me stop here and wait for the Muslims response.

Author: Clement Hore
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Islam, Religion, Bible in Quran, Bible not the Bible mentioned in Quran, Muhammad did not know anything about Bible, Bible and Quran, Prophet Muhammad,
Bible not the bible mentioned in Quran. So many names of books are mentioned in the Quran. And Muslims were initially very proud of their many books such as the Torah, the Injeel and the Book of Zabur, which is mentioned by the Quran.
But you know, if you ask which books are these? None of the Muslims can answer it. Because none of those books appear in their form or they cannot explain which book of Torah, Injeel, and Zabur is meant by the Quran.
Meanwhile, according to the Quran, these books were revealed by Allah or the Quranic term if given by Allah, it was called "revealed". Revelation according to the Quran is not the same as revelation according to the Christian Bible.

While the Christian Bible (there are Torah, the books of Prophets (Nevim), Other Books (Ketuvim), and the books of Apostles. Everything was written by the prophets and the Apostles, unlike the Quran, that the books were given directly by Allah. For example, the book of Isaiah was written by the prophet Isaiah. The Book of Peter was written by the apostle Peter. Jesus was never given or learned from the book or wrote a book. In the Quran (Q. 19:30), the Injeel was given by Allah directly to Isa. (According to the Quran, the Book of Injeel and the Torah are separated). Generally speaking, the Christian INJEEL was written by PROPHETS and APOSTLES.
So based on the way in which the book came from, it is clear that the Torah, the Gospel, and the Zabur that the Qur'an refers to, are not the books that guide Christians.
Thus, where are the books mentioned in the Qur'an? Is there a Quran lying?
Now let's read QS. 4 An-Nisaa: 163.
"We have inspired you, as We had inspired Noah and the prophets after him. And We inspired Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and Jesus, and Job, and Jonah, and Aaron, and Solomon. And We gave David the Psalms."

This means that each of the prophets obtained a book from God. And of course, the same question is: where is the book? Hidden? Who is hiding? What for?
And lastly, the Quran (Qur'an 87: 18-19) also mentions that eternal life is in the earlier books of Moses and the Book of Abraham. This is also a question, do Muslims know, where are the books? Are Muslims not interested in Eternal life? Could it be that Allah Muhammad in the Quran lied?
If the Quran correctly contains the words of Allah why did Allah tell the book to read but did not tell where the books were?
If Muslim brothers cannot answer where the books are, this means you fail to maintain that the QURAN IS THE WORD OF GOD.

If the existence of the books cannot be explained, this also means that 24 prophets before Muhammad were mentioned in the Quran, only a Quranic tale originating from the illusion of Muhammad who cheated on the Bible. And obviously, Muhammad did not know anything about the books of the Torah, the Bible, the Psalms, the Book of Abraham and the other prophets' books.

Author: Rani Adiati
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Saturday, August 11, 2018


Islam, Muhammad's Ideologies, Muslims plans, When Muhammad was weak, Jihad, Mohammad's jihad, Violence in Quran, Prophet Muhammad

When Muhammad fled to the Non-Muslims territory (Medina) from his hometown in Mecca for being wanted for religious intolerance towards the indigenous Meccan pagans, he played the victim card that he was being targeted for persecution, the indigenous Jewish people of Medina accepted and sheltered him, he preached peace in the beginning and was accepted by the locals, but after he recruited an organized gangs of militias who are loyal to him, he plot conquest against the locals who sheltered him and eventually conquered them, kill their grown-up men, kidnapped their children, took their women as sex slaves, and turned the region what was then historical Jews, Christians and pagans Nations into what has become an Islamic Nations today.

1. When Muhammad was weak and are in minority, his message is the following:
A. “No compulsion in Religion - ''Quran 2:256.
B. “To you on your Religion and to me on mine - ''(Qur'an 109:1-6)

2. *When Muhammad became stronger and formed a gang of militias (Jihadist) the message become Convert, pay Jizya or Die:
A. “When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks.” Quran 47:4
B.“Muhammad is the apostle of Allah. Those who follow Him are merciful to one another but harsh and ruthless to the disbeliever.” 48:29
C. “Fight against those who do not obey Allah and do not believe in Allah or the Last Day and do not forbid what has been forbidden by Allah and His messenger even if they are of the People of the Book until they pay the Jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.” Quran 9:29

Author: ‎Fogbonja Daramola
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