Showing posts with label Satanism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Satanism. Show all posts

Saturday, August 11, 2018


I don’t have any titles, I’m not part of any secret organizations, I don’t have a degree in writing or English, etc. There are many other people who can make papers and esseys and books sound like you could wipe your ass with them and it would feel like silk. That’s not me. I'm real, im rough, and, most importantly, I know what I’m talking about. I like to think I am very caught up on the subject of the Left-Hand Path. I have dedicated almost every waking moment to the study of this subject, which for me Is not just a topic, but a way of life. It is my reason for being. It is my purpose. It, I believe, just comes naturally to me. But I’ll let you judge for yourself.

I want to talk briefly about all the other information that you can find on Satanism, Luciferianism, and the LHP in general. Some of it, I believe, contains some very good information, and some of it is just complete bullshit. I’m not going to name anything specific. I'll leave that for you to decide. Who am I to tell you what you should think or believe? That goes against everything that the LHP, for me, stands for. But I am going to give you some information that will save you from a shit ton of headaches, and save you countless hours of reading through worthless garbage.

First and foremost, the LHP is self-initiated. Only you can decide what is the truth. When I first decided that this is really what I wanted, very early in my studies, I was looking for THE book. The one common dogma that all LHP followers believed in. And that was my first mistake. Dogma. There is no gospel, you will not find anything that says…. Believe This! For this is the one way to enlightenment! And if you do chuck that thing in the trash because of its complete bullshit, written by greedy egotistical fools who wish not to teach, but to lead, to gain followers. And that my friends are exactly what the LHP is NOT about.

The Lord is not my Shepheard for I am not a Sheep.

If you are new to this, then that may sound confusing. You may think... well, how am I to know what to believe then?

Well, let's start with magick and ritual. Magick works. But more importantly, YOUR magick works. Don’t look for rituals that somebody else has written and performed and have then said ‘This is how this is done’ That’s bullshit. The ritual they have done isn't bullshit, because it was theirs and it works, for them. But the idea that it will work for everyone or the idea that it is the best way to achieve your goals is. Bullshit. The best magick is the magick that comes from you. From your heart. From your mind. From your soul. So you have an altar. Good. Now, What is it composed of? Well, what do you think it should be made of? What sigils do you think should be included? What items do you think should adorn it? What colors, what artifacts, what do YOU imagine it to be? That’s what it should be. Don’t be like some who look to a book to recreate something. You are cheating yourself. You are limiting yourself to what has been already done. When what you should be doing is looking for what you imagine will work. Intuitively. I hope you have some common sense though because you can't make air be fire if you get what I'm saying. Think about it.

Author: Eric Johnson

Admin's Note: Actually, ı don't believe in magic and also Satan. The people who believe in magic, I think they are living in their own mystical, dreamy world.
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