Friday, August 31, 2018


Philosophical Thought, Atheism, An Atheist who has seen God, God and holy spirit, God, We eat we shit, Butterfly effect, Atheist and God
I speak as an atheist who has seen God.
Why is the knowledge of good and evil sinful and worthy of death? If you can answer such a riddle, you too may see the divine Truth.

Here are a few hints to contemplate:

God is the alpha and omega. The beginning and the end.

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed only changed from.

God is eternal.

Given a long enough timeline all things that can happen, will happen.

We do not know what happened prior to the big bang, but that it all came from nothing sounds silly, maybe.

For change to exist, something must have come before as it causes, therefore, change has been rolling around eternally.

The holy spirit is in all things.

Good and evil are subjective. Knowledge of the distinctions of good and evil is the cause for its creation, a rock or a tree has no sense of good nor bad. As such it does not suffer nor die, only does it change in form.

We are all gods children and all that is is in his plan.

Dust to dust, ashes to ashes. We eat, we shit, we shed skin hair and nails. We die and our bodies break apart. Born of the act of creation, the big bang, born of burning hydrogen. Born of trees and of rock, once we were stars and no doubt we will be again.

Butterfly effect. Chemicals react. All is one. Those who see themselves in God and God in all things is one who knows the truth.

Contemplate, meditate and pray on these thoughts, live a life that feels as close as you can get to being worthy of having lived, seek to grow in the good and the wise constantly. Question yourselves and all else, find the truth :)

Author: Thomas Banjo Bell
