Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Islam, Prophet Muhammad, Pedophile,Pedophile Muhammad,Was Muhammad a Pedophile?,Muhammad and Aisha,
Was Muhammad a PEDOPHILE?
Muhammad - and any 54-year-old man who has sex with a nine-year-old PREPUBESCENT little girl, for that matter - is a pedophile!

This Prophetic analogy - where Israel is depicted as a baby girl growing, developing, and coming of age - makes that point very, very clear. It states ~

“‘Then I passed by and saw you kicking about in your blood, and as you lay there in your blood I said to you, “Live!” I made you grow like a plant of the field. You grew and developed and entered PUBERTY. Your breasts had formed and your hair had grown, yet you were stark naked. “ ‘Later I passed by, and when I looked at you and saw that you were OLD ENOUGH FOR LOVE...” (Ezekiel 16:6-8)

Not only did the girl (i.e., Israel) FIRST reach PUBERTY, but it was only AFTER that point that Yahweh said that she was READY FOR LOVE.

And even when judged by the scriptures of the PAGANS Muhammad is indubitably found to be a pedophile ~

"Thus the man will be paired with the girl, who is yet a virgin, ONLY AFTER MATURING, WHEN HER BOSOM HAS FULLY DEVELOPED, And when the young man's beard is seen upon his cheek, Within the gardens and paths will she find her husband" (Atrahasis: Tablet 1).*

*Timothy J. Stephany, Enuma Elish: The Babylonian Creation Epic, 2nd ed. (Charleston, South Carolina: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014), 69.
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Muhammad Ibn Abdullah appeared to be a member of the Islamic militant group of the Islamic militant group of the Islamic Republic of Iran. in Arabia. A few examples will explain what I mean:

1. The story of Abraham is the father of the Jewish race of Christian faith was twisted to be the Ancestor of Muhammad the Qyurash Arab through the Ishmael of the last of Abraham of whom God has no covenant. Gen 17:21, 21: 2

2. The story of Abraham was twisted to Abraham (Gen 22; 2) was twisted to Sarah the wife of Abraham (Gen 22; 2) was twisted to Ishmael and his Egyptian mother was born out of wedlock (Q2: 127) Abraham who was tried to be sacrificed on Mount Moriah is a prophet in Islam who followed his father to the valley of Mecca to build Kaaba the shrine of the polytheists which became the center of Islamic worship . Can you believe this?

3. The story of Alexander the Great, the Greek conqueror and King who conquered the world of his time, as well as the history of the two horn man was Twisted to an Islamic prophet and Messengers of Allah called Dhul-Garnain in the Quran 18: 83-86, he was said to have been sent by Allah to follow the sun till he reached the land of the setting sun to either punish them or allow them to live. Can you believe this?

4. The story of Mary the mother of Jesus from Judah who born Jesus in Bethlehem of Judea in a manger was twisted to be Meriam the sister of Aaron the brother of Moses from the tribe of Levi who gave birth to Jesus ) - (he probably means Esau the twin brother of Jacob who is Isa in Arabic) under a Palm tree. (Q19: 23-28) Can you believe this?

5. The story of Jesus Christ who was confirmed crucified by Roman soldiers dead and buried but rose again after three days and ascended to heaven after forty days of appearing to his disciples and giving him much assurance of his resurrected life and gave him his last command (Q4: 157.) Can you believe this? I did not have any problems.

6. The Story of Jesus Coming back again as the kingdom of Kings and Lords of Lord (Rev 1: 8,19: 16 was twisted means Jesus only coming back to deny Christians who worship him as God burn crosses, marry and live as a Muslim and die and be buried beside the grave of Muhammad. Can you believe this? Let me stop here and wait for the Muslims response.

Author: Clement Hore
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Islam, Religion, Bible in Quran, Bible not the Bible mentioned in Quran, Muhammad did not know anything about Bible, Bible and Quran, Prophet Muhammad,
Bible not the bible mentioned in Quran. So many names of books are mentioned in the Quran. And Muslims were initially very proud of their many books such as the Torah, the Injeel and the Book of Zabur, which is mentioned by the Quran.
But you know, if you ask which books are these? None of the Muslims can answer it. Because none of those books appear in their form or they cannot explain which book of Torah, Injeel, and Zabur is meant by the Quran.
Meanwhile, according to the Quran, these books were revealed by Allah or the Quranic term if given by Allah, it was called "revealed". Revelation according to the Quran is not the same as revelation according to the Christian Bible.

While the Christian Bible (there are Torah, the books of Prophets (Nevim), Other Books (Ketuvim), and the books of Apostles. Everything was written by the prophets and the Apostles, unlike the Quran, that the books were given directly by Allah. For example, the book of Isaiah was written by the prophet Isaiah. The Book of Peter was written by the apostle Peter. Jesus was never given or learned from the book or wrote a book. In the Quran (Q. 19:30), the Injeel was given by Allah directly to Isa. (According to the Quran, the Book of Injeel and the Torah are separated). Generally speaking, the Christian INJEEL was written by PROPHETS and APOSTLES.
So based on the way in which the book came from, it is clear that the Torah, the Gospel, and the Zabur that the Qur'an refers to, are not the books that guide Christians.
Thus, where are the books mentioned in the Qur'an? Is there a Quran lying?
Now let's read QS. 4 An-Nisaa: 163.
"We have inspired you, as We had inspired Noah and the prophets after him. And We inspired Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and Jesus, and Job, and Jonah, and Aaron, and Solomon. And We gave David the Psalms."

This means that each of the prophets obtained a book from God. And of course, the same question is: where is the book? Hidden? Who is hiding? What for?
And lastly, the Quran (Qur'an 87: 18-19) also mentions that eternal life is in the earlier books of Moses and the Book of Abraham. This is also a question, do Muslims know, where are the books? Are Muslims not interested in Eternal life? Could it be that Allah Muhammad in the Quran lied?
If the Quran correctly contains the words of Allah why did Allah tell the book to read but did not tell where the books were?
If Muslim brothers cannot answer where the books are, this means you fail to maintain that the QURAN IS THE WORD OF GOD.

If the existence of the books cannot be explained, this also means that 24 prophets before Muhammad were mentioned in the Quran, only a Quranic tale originating from the illusion of Muhammad who cheated on the Bible. And obviously, Muhammad did not know anything about the books of the Torah, the Bible, the Psalms, the Book of Abraham and the other prophets' books.

Author: Rani Adiati
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Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Islam, Religion, Muslims are worshiping Muhammad,Worshiping Muhammad,Muhammad in Islam,Allah vs Muhammad
I find it hilarious that Muslims tell us they don't worship Muhammad. The Islamic sources (isnad) go out of their way to remind us that the creation and even Allah's throne was not made but for him.

al-Hakim in his Mustadrak, Baihaqi in Dalail an-Nubuwah, Tabarani in his Kabeer, Abu Na’eem in his Hilya and ibn Asakir in Tarikh Damishq report from Sayyiduna Ameer al-Mu’mineen 'Umar ibn al-Khattab Farooq al-A’dham (radiyallahu ta'ala anhu) that:

I won't copy paste the whole thing. But if you want the full reference here it is below. The question was possessed like below and the answer was INDEED...

QUESTION: What do the respected ‘Ulama of the religion and Shari’ah say about the hadith:
لولاك لولاك ما خلقت الأفلاك - “Law laaka law laaka maa khalaqtal aflaak”. Which book is this hadith in? Is the Prophet of Allah (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) the reason for the creation or not? Are there other ahadith that support this narration?

Answer: Indeed the Prophet of Allah (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) is the reason for the creation of Adam ‘alaihis salam and the universe. If the Prophet of Allah (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) was not in existence, then the ‘Arsh and Kursi, Lawh and Qalam, the Skies and the Earth, Heaven and Hell, the trees and stones and all other creatures would not exist.

And while the lafdh in question is not considered an authentic wording from the Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam), it is, as Mullah al-Qaari said, "Though al-Saghanee says this is mawdu even so I say its meaning is saheeh (authentic) even if it is not a hadith.” Please read about Ibn Taymiyyah and his discussion of the hadith law laaka in Majma` Fataawa Ibn Taymiyyah.

Author: Dave Ivrim
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Religion, Christianity, Truths hurt somethimes,Truths of Christianity, Contradictions in Christianity,Christians contradiction,God contradiction in Christianity
I never found a worse, a funniest and a confused religion like Christianity before........

Q) who is the God?
And) Jesus

Q) Is Jesus the son of Mary?
A) yes

Q) who created Mary?
A) god

Q) Is Jesus God?
A) yes

Q) and Jesus is also the "suffering servant of God?
A) yes

Q) And he died on a cross?
A) yes

Q) who raise him from the dead?
A) god

Q) and Jesus is also god's messenger?
A) yes

Q) Sent by
A) god

Q) Who is the God?
A) Jesus. we've been over that.

Q) Did Jesus worship while on earth?
A) yes

Q) whom did he worship?
A) god

Q) Who is God?
A) yes you are getting it

Q) where's God?
A) in heaven

Q) How many gods are there in heaven?
A) only one god

Q) Where's Jesus?
A) Seated on the right hand of his father

Q) Then how many are there in heaven??
A) only one.god

Q) So how many seat ?
A) one

Q) Then where's Jesus?
A) seated next to god

Q) Are the seated on one chair ?
A) it can only be understood by those with the holy spirit..

Everything unsound logic in Christianity is needing a spiritual understanding that is Christianity for you.

Author: S. A.
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Religion, Christianity, Catholic Church,Catholic Church sexual abuse,Church of the Bible,Catholics for Bible,Pope sexual abuse
Americans! You've got to realize Catholicism isn't the church of the bible and they're NOT YOUR FRIENDS! They are here to lead you to hell, and to rape your children!

Founding Fathers on Catholicism

"I have long been decided in opinion that a free government and the Roman Catholic religion can never exist together in any nation or Country." "Liberty and Popery cannot live together." - John Adams 2nd President of the United States

"I do not like the late Resurrection of the Jesuits. They have a General, now in Russia, in correspondence with Jesuits in the U.S. who are more numerous than everybody knows. Shall We not have Swarms of them here? In as many shapes and disguises as ever... In the shape of printers, Editors, Writers, Schoolmasters, etc. If ever any Congregation of men could merit, eternal Perdition on Earth and in Hell... it is this Company of Loyola." - Thomas Jefferson3rd President of the United States

"It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country — the United States — are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars in Europe."- General Marquis De Lafayette

"All worship of images and saints is an abomination to God; it is idolatry, which is strictly forbidden in the Bible." - American lexicographer and statesman Noah Webster

"I hope that the last day is at the door. Things could not become worse than the Roman see makes it. It suppresses the commandments of God, it exalts its own commandments above God's. If this is not Antichrist, then someone else must tell what it is." - Luther's Reformatory Works," p. 280. Copenhagen: 1883.

Wycliffe the great reformer wrote: “Christ is a truth, the Pope is the principle of falsehood. Christ lived in poverty, the Pope labors for worldly magnificence. Christ refused temporal dominion, the Pope seeks it.”

Author: Mark OBrien
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Sunday, August 19, 2018


Religion, Belief, Belief System, Belief and People, Existence, Truth about existence, Religion sucks, Truth of life, Live and learn,
The greatest threat to humanity which always has been a major cause of conflicts and the major cause for own suffering for human beings, in the past for thousands of years and even for today, is 'BELIEF SYSTEM'.

Living with the Belief system is such an obscene way of living life, it is obscene for both the individual and also for people living around.

Let's see, what a particular Belief System does to a human being :

Whenever one will create and hold a Belief,
That person is creating limitations for themselves. That person can never know life in its entirety. Someone creates a belief about life only when someone doesn't know the truth about life. If someone knows the truth about life, will there be any requirement of creating and holding on to a belief?
Not only this, belief means the conclusion, it means the end or death of knowing. Belief is merely an assumption of the truth, not the truth itself.

Not only this, that Belief will make that person salve, because his very life will be unknowingly dedicated to protect that belief, making that person always anxious to protect the belief in every way possible, which is the very source of unnecessary conflicts among humans. This is what religion has done in the past, and is also doing it now.
Again, because of this belief, the person cannot be liberated from own created slavery, and because of this slavery, that person cannot be involved with every moment of life.

So How to know the truth about anything in the existence?

To know anything in this existence, one has been to entirely involved in it, only then that person can experience it in its entirety, naturally oñly then the person can know it.

So what's the truth of life?
You can not know this, without being absolutely involved in the life process, only when you get absolutely involve, only then you can experience it, and only by experiencing anything, u can know the truth about it. There's no other way of knowing it.

Author: Rahul Shanmugam
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Hinduism, Hindu Gods, Religion, Puranas, Brahma, Parabrhaman, Lakshmi, Formless genderless Parabrahman, Durga, Mother of Brahma, Hindu Dharma,
People who rely on fake stories, false interpretations & wrong commentaries of inauthentic Puranas, ask such questions. Saraswati is neither created by Brahma nor his daughter. Bengali & others in east India people believe Saraswati & Lakshmi both are daughters of Durga. Haryanavi & Kabir Pantis in north India, believe Durga is the mother of Brahma, Vishnu & Shiv. Extreme Shiv Bhakts have different views than Extreme Vishnu Bhakts. Extreme Shakti Bhakts have different views than these two.

Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar are unborn, they are 3 expansions of Parampurush the male expansion of indescribable or genderless Parabrahmañ(ॐ). Kabir Panti foolishly spread Durga as their mother, while Durga is combined form of Saraswati, Lakshmi, Parvati who are 3 expansions of Paramshakti the female expansion of Parabrahmañ(ॐ).

You have to use high intellectual sense to understand & grasp the below⬇ Read till the end.

Parampurush(卐) & Paramshakti(श्री) are male & female expansions of genderless Parabrahmañ(ॐ). When they are split they are Parampurush(卐) and Paramshakti(श्री). When they are merged they are PARABRHAMAÑ (formless genderless Supreme Being).

Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva are expansions of Aadibhagwan Parampurush(卐). When they are split they are Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. When they are merged they are Parampurush (formless male supreme-spirit).

Saraswati, Lakshmi, Parvati are expansions of Aadibhagwati Paramshakti(श्री). When they are split they are Saraswati, Lakshmi, Parvati. When they are merged they are Paramshakti (formless female supreme-energy).

The physical form of Parampurush(卐) is Trimurti Datta & Physical form of Paramshakti(श्री) is Trishakti Durga. Parabrahmañ(ॐ) doesn't have any physical form.

AUM(ॐ) is symbol for PARABRAHMAÑ the Supreme Being. SWASTIK(卐) is symbol for Parampurush. SHREE(श्री) is symbol for Paramshakti.

There are many hindus who worship only formless genderless Parabrahmañ(ॐ), for example Brahmos, Nirankaris, Shrotas etc.. Smartas worship all but Parabrahmañ(ॐ) as supreme. Vaishnavas considers Mahavishnu as Parabrahmañ(ॐ). Shaivas considers Sadashiva as Parabrahmañ(ॐ). Shaktas considers Adi Parashakti as Parabrahmañ(ॐ). Modern days ISKCONs considers Krishna of Golok as Parabrahmañ(ॐ), Sai Panthi considers Sai as Parabrahmañ(ॐ). Brahma Kumaris considers Shankar & Shiv both are deferment gods. They considers Shankar as Mahadev & Shiv as Parabrahmañ(ॐ). Kabir Panthi considers Durga as mother of Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar but considers Kabir as Parabrahmañ(ॐ). Bangalis considers Durga as mother of Lakshmi & Saraswati and Durga as Parabrahmañ(ॐ). Every sect ultimately worships Parabrahmañ(ॐ) only.

Parbrahmañ (परब्रह्मं) is Allah of Islam, Jehovah of Christianity, YHWH of Judaism, Akal Purakh of Sikhism & Zurvan of Zoroastrianism.

The central belief in the Hindu Dharma is "Ekam sat viprah bahudah vadanti” (meaning: Truth, or God, is one, but wise men call God by different names). You can worship in different ways as per the convenience of your mind. Don’t go against your mind in selecting the mode of worship since all modes are one and the same worship.

Hinduism is neither monotheism nor polytheism but a henotheism i. e. worshipping Supreme Being Parabrahmañ (परब्रह्मं) along with his true expansions.

Author: Naushad Mohammed

Admin's Note: Sorry, but there is no God like the religions told. There is no Allah, Jesus, Vishnu, YHWH etc. Maybe there is a God, but it's cannot support part of people like supporting the football team, or it cannot create a lot of religions and books like a non-experienced worker. People can do it...
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Religion, Christianity, Snake handlers,Christian snake handlers,Snake handling in Christianity,Religion sucks,Religion is bullshit,West Virginia,Kentucky,Appalachia
The handling of poisonous snakes in certain religious sects is a part of the Christian worship service in a few parts of Appalachia, mainly in Kentucky, West Virginia and Tennessee.

I have a few questions for avid snake handlers:

1. Are the blessings received proportional to time spent with snakes in hand? Is there a limit to the blessings you receive should the snake handling time exceed the maximum blessing? You wouldn't want to continue handling any longer than necessary, I’d suspect.

2. Are you blessing-eligible at all for fondling non-venomous serpents? How do you know you’ve been blessed after a session with the serpents?

3. How long do the snake-handling induced blessings last? Say, if blessings dissipate from your soul around mid-week, could you make a quick snake run, handle a snake or two and get a blessing RELOAD to hold you over till the next Sunday service?

4. Is the amount of protection from viper bites, proportional to the strength of your faith? How do you know how much faith is enough faith to keep from being bitten? How do you measure that faith? Is there a faith meter installed in church? If you lack faith, are you more likely to get bitten? How would the snakes know?

5. What about poisonous spiders, frogs, and scorpions??? Any blessing credit for handling those? There should be some kind of sliding scale.

6. Do dancing, shouting and turning flips while handling the snakes increase the quantity OR the quality of blessings? What about talking in tongues? Does that help?

7. If you seek medical attention after a bite, are all your blessings canceled? How about a faith healer?

These are very important questions for current snake handlers or for those who hope to "take up" the practice.

Author: Doug Hullander
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Friday, August 17, 2018


benim tanrım, Tanrı, pandeizm, deizm, evren Tanrıdır, ölümden sonra hayat, dinler yalan, insanların yarattığı tanrı, tanrı ve evrim, evrim, deist, tek tanrı, sadece Tanrı, Tanrının dini olmaz,

Firstly, let me believe that my faith is not deism, pandeism, or pantheism. My belief seems to be close to them, but it does not seem to be the same as none. Keep this in mind as you read it, please.

Actually, if we accept that in the Apolitical sense, everything God created and evolved by constantly improving himself, then we can call my belief Pandeism. But this is only possible if we accept the apolitical view.

As some of you know, I wrote two chapters describing how I deist. Obviously, I have received very good comments about these writings (not counting a few swearing and cursing), from those who read and read me from Google, from social media, and those who follow this platform. The readers congratulated me on Facebook by posting a message and even looking for my phone number to thank them. Because of this, I would like to thank everybody first, and it is pleasing to see people who have broken the chains of religions in my country. That feeling looks like eating chocolate with a spoon ;)

What I often ask my friends who read my articles is, "Well, what is God for you? So, the show begins :P

Now, before I write, I ask you to open your mind a little bit, because if peoples don't understand what is explained, they can not understand the concepts. I'm calling someone "the universe" and it is asking me "Is it the world?". After that, I'm saying "universe" again, the listener keeps the space outside. I want to hit two slap in his head with the name of Odin. We know only 1/100000 part about Universe. Millions of concepts like millions of planets you don't know and not seen, millions of unknown galaxies, unknown boundaries, mysterious black holes, animals, people, water, stone, mountain, stream, hill, oxygen, atom. There is one small thing among them: THE WORLD!

The funny thing is that people have grown their religion, their beliefs, their lives and their planets so much that in their eyes, even if you look at the apocalyptic tale, they are talking about the earth like "the earth will be destroyed, everything will end". Okay dear, you thinking: "God hasn't worked and sanity, it's using our world as an accessory, created planets and everything for the show the world better isn't it? Just because of let we can brag?"  A wise man immediately understands "God can not have created everything for the world!" It would have been pointless in itself. Maybe you will get angry and make me a middle finger across the screen so I will shake my back on the screen. Friends, I think if the world goes through one day, do not worry, this is not the end of nothing. Why are there unlimited things outside the world? They are not wallpaper. People have made up the religions, people in the past could only produce solid ideas about the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon; Oh, they are stars, because they have what they can see, so their imagination is blended with them. Religions are purely relational indices between the Earth and the Hereafter, and God seems to have created everything else to be fantasy.

benim tanrım, Tanrı, pandeizm, deizm, evren Tanrıdır, ölümden sonra hayat, dinler yalan, insanların yarattığı tanrı, tanrı ve evrim, evrim, deist, tek tanrı, sadece Tanrı, Tanrının dini olmaz,
The universe to which we can not understand, the limits of which we can not understand is God for me. The king of all things that are known and unknown. When I say universe, do not think of it as a materialist, so do not say to me, "How?, Are stones and earth is God?" The universe, the whole universe is the God itself. As I said, do not think of the universe as stone earth, I think the universe is a divine being, God. Why do I think so?

In the picture below I would like to see the similarity between the human neuron and the universe.

benim tanrım, Tanrı, pandeizm, deizm, evren Tanrıdır, ölümden sonra hayat, dinler yalan, insanların yarattığı tanrı, tanrı ve evrim, evrim, deist, tek tanrı, sadece Tanrı, Tanrının dini olmaz, Tanrı nöronlarda
If we scrutinize the universe carefully, we can see everything that he does. It is a cycle of recycling, such as creating, recalling, evolving, changing, adapting, arranging, recreating. So God is our horizon and this is the whole world that transcends us. As we create and change what we create, the creators and new futures harmonize and design it, and then continue to create it. God, who is the universe, evolves and designs according to his own change, even if we do not count the fast-changing changes of people's mistakes.

That is to say, I think the logic of God is, "I have created a bird. How beautiful, dying in the extreme heat, but it's okay!" this is human logic, not God's. Slowly, in the process of evolution in which people do not open and pollute, God has created everything that he has created, adaptable to the changing plan. The simplest example is that the man in Africa is more durable to the sun, his pigments, his body, his cardiovascular system, everything but everything is allowed to live in the hot 40 degrees above. How did it happen, after God created the whites, he said, "Let's make some black for Africa, the world is a mix of cocoa and vanilla." No. He created the person just like thousands of other beings so that the developing changes can adapt to his own innovations. If God said, "I do not know, I made you white, I made you able to live at 38. If the temperature is over 40, you die"... because it is far from being a God in this way. Maybe it will be ridiculous, but I think that the bacteria that you have created and even the deadly diseases are a rationale, even though it is difficult for the human brain to take it, we know that the brains of the people work for the money, for the girl, for the car.

benim tanrım, Tanrı, pandeizm, deizm, evren Tanrıdır, ölümden sonra hayat, dinler yalan, insanların yarattığı tanrı, tanrı ve evrim, evrim, deist, tek tanrı, sadece Tanrı, Tanrının dini olmaz,

Maybe you'll say it's ridiculous, but I'll give you an example for you to understand what I want to say. Let's just say that the world is so small that only 5% of the land was left and the rest has always been flooded, because of people's beatings, and because of God's plans for the world, we do not know. It's just an example. And let's say that as much as humans can live, this 5% of the land has begun to live, see for sure, just as it is necessary to maintain harmony, the universe, that is, God will evolve man in life in water for thousands of years. He creates everything, evolves and adapts according to changes. In other words, if there is a possibility, as I said, it is inevitable that we can see the people who have fins between their fingers.

My God does not need to choose someone to tell people about themselves, nor to send texts in languages that do not address anyone. God is already explaining himself to you in all over the universe, so what kind of things God can say about this subject? Is God must go to CNN and yell to us like "yeah guys, ım in CNN this evening"? The person observing the universe already can see the God's way of explaining himself. By design, by grace, by giving, receiving and offering...

God has no need for religion, no prophets, no need for prayer, no need for worship, the peoples who want to rule the other people and take care of their interests, they need these things. Then they come out, create a religion and speak the name of God and a lot of people follow these liars. Now there are countless religions and they are all saying the same sentence: "we are the true religion"
benim tanrım, Tanrı, pandeizm, deizm, evren Tanrıdır, ölümden sonra hayat, dinler yalan, insanların yarattığı tanrı, tanrı ve evrim, evrim, deist, tek tanrı, sadece Tanrı, Tanrının dini olmaz,
The universe is too wide, nobody can solve it, you can not solve God anyway. I am sure there are lives in other millions of planets, but I can say that today I will speak about our world. The situation in the world is mixed. There is two God in the world:
1) The God who created a people and everything,
2) The Gods one has ever invented for the sake of the interests of people.

You have to understand this, people are created their own God and religions because of the fear and profit. After creating these false things, they are thanking these false beliefs and their Gods. They forgetting the real creator because they are covered up the real God with false Gods and myths.

Benim inandığım Tanrı, insanları yarattı onlara bir şeyler verdi diye onları memur yerine koyup tüm gün ve yılın belli zamanlarında ona ibadet etmelerini, kurban kesmelerini, ineğe tapmalarını, siyah kıyafetler giyip ilahi söylemelerini, duvarın önüne geçip sallanmalarını, acı ve kederle test edilmelerini istemez. Aslında bu bir Tanrıdan çok psikolojisi bozuk egoist bir insan tarifi gibidir. Tanrımın Fransa da karikatüristleri öldüren müslümanların, Allah adına katliam yapan el kaide ve dinci grupların korumasına ihtiyacı yoktur. Tanrı kendini korur hacılar siz rahat olun, siz kendinizi koruyun, hemde kendinizi kendinizden koruyun. Bakın ben ölümden sonra Tanrının ne gibi planları var bilmiyorum, fakat yatıp kalkın ölümden sonra hayat olmasın. Eğer olursa size şunu sorup canınızı sıkacak "Benim adıma nasıl insan öldürür, hayvan katledersin? Nasıl olurda benimle konuştuğun yalanını uydurup insanları kandırır, birbirlerine öldürtürsün? Sen kimsin?" O yüzden cidden, umarım Tanrı adına ahkam kesen sizlerin iyiliği için, ölümden sonra bir şey yoktur hacılarım, yoksa işiniz yaş :)

benim tanrım, Tanrı, pandeizm, deizm, evren Tanrıdır, ölümden sonra hayat, dinler yalan, insanların yarattığı tanrı, tanrı ve evrim, evrim, deist, tek tanrı, sadece Tanrı, Tanrının dini olmaz,

"He bu arada iyiye kötüye ceza yada ödül olmayacak mı? Kötülerin kıçına pipet sokup sıcak hava dalgası gönderecek, yada onları kalplerinden başlayıp çüklerine kadar yıllarca yakacak bir ceza sistemi yok mu?" BİLMEM. Ne bileyim nan deli, kimse bilemez ki, dinlerdeki gibi bi şeyler uydurup, korkutarak sizi mi kandırayım? Fakat emin olduğum bi şey varsa, oda Tanrının kendi yarattıklarına işkence etmeyeceğidir. Bakın bu dediğim -eğer ölümden sonra yaşam varsa- kötüleri cezalandırmayacak falan demek değildir; ama unutmayın ki cezalandırmanın, yanlışı iyiye çevirmenin türlü yolları vardır. Farzı misal koca ormanı yakıp zarar veren bir çocuğu iki şekilde cezalandırabilirsin mesela:
1- Çükünden ağacın dalına asıp altında ateş yakar, yıllarca çocuğu pişirir, acı içinde yakarışlarını izlersin. Öyle sürekli gelen çığlıklar eşliğinde koltuğuna kurulup patlamış mısırlarını eline alır ve "korku filmi izliyorum" dersin.
2- Çocuğun eline binlerce tohum verir, şuradaki koca araziye tohum dikeceksin, sonra da şu kadar alandaki tüm ağaçları sulayacak, tek tek bakımlarını yapacaksın dersin.
Bilmiyorum anlatabildim mi ?...

Şu da var ki, çük kadar gezegen olan dünyadaki biz insanların kafasına ölümden sonra ahiret tarzı şeyler olduğu fikrini yine insanlar sokmuştur. En eski inanışlardan, ibrahimi dinlere ve bu zamana kadar ahirete benzer tasvirlerin insanlar tarafından uydurulup, taşındığını, herkesin bunu kendi inancı ve dinine göre değiştirdiğini görebiliriz. Fakat ya ölümden sonra olması gereken şey, insanların kendi uydurup kafamıza soktuğu gibi değilse. Tanrının planlarını bildiğini düşünerek, benimle konuştu yalanını uydurarak insanoğlu kendine en büyük kötülüğü yaptı ve yaptırdı aslında. Milyarlarca galaksinin, takım yıldızlarının, boşluğun ve sınırsızlığın olduğu bu evrende, bizim toz tanesi kadar olan dünyada öldükten sonra Tanrı tarafından adını bile duymadığımız, hayal edemeyeceğimiz başka bir gezegende yaşamaya başlayıp başlamayacağımızı kim bilebilir? HİÇ KİMSE... Bakın "bu dediğim doğru" şeklinde bi yanlış anlaşılma olmasın, ben sadece aklımdaki onlarca ihtimalden birini yazarak kafanızı açmak, beyninizi çapır motosikletlerin motoru gibi patır patır harekete geçirmek istiyorum hepsi bu.

benim tanrım, Tanrı, pandeizm, deizm, evren Tanrıdır, ölümden sonra hayat, dinler yalan, insanların yarattığı tanrı, tanrı ve evrim, evrim, deist, tek tanrı, sadece Tanrı, Tanrının dini olmaz,

Bizler garip varlıklarız, kendimizi nimetten sayıyoruz. Koca Tanrının işi gücü yok, milyarlarca galakside sadece dünyayı yaratıp bizi oraya koymuşta, başka hiç bi işi gücü yokmuş gibi. Yahu bu insandaki ego var ya, zenci şeyinden bile büyük arkadaş. Devasa bi ego var, dillere destan babasını satayım. Aslında tarihi kaynaklarda neden kimse "Ego Destanı" diye bi destan yazmamış çok şaşırdım. Tanrının yani evrenin, kim ve ne için ne gibi planları olduğunu bilemeyiz, ama emin olun ki dünya ve biz insanlar futbol topunun üzerine yapışan toprak tanesi kadar bile değiliz. O yüzden kendinizi nimetten sayarken gezegeniniz olan dünyayı savaş alanına çevirmek yerine dünyayı yaşanabilir bir yer haline getirip iyi insanlar olmaya bakın. İbadetlerle, boş dualarla, din savaşlarıyla, ordularla, bombalı saldırılarla Tanrının bize sunduğu dünyayı bitiriyoruz. Evrenin dünyayı bize piç etmemiz, üzerinde rahat rahat at koşturmamız için verdiğini zannetmiyorum. Çoğunuz ibrahimi dinlerle kafaları yıkanıp aklına hazırda zaten ilah fikri sokulmuş bireyler olduğumuzdan, bu yazdıklarımı tamamen anlamınızı yada gözünüzde canlandırıp beyninizde yoğurmanızı hepinizden beklemiyorum tabi ki, ama nereden başlasak kardır be reyiz. Tamam kek yapamıyosundur da, en azından hamur yoğur gözünü sevdiğim.

Yazımı bitirirken söylemem gerekenleri de yazayım, bu biraz şey gibi oldu aslında; tüm gün beraberken ağızları bıçak açmayan kadınların ayrılık zamanı geldiğinde kapı önünde saatlerce "ayyy kııız biliyo musun?" tarzında bırbır yapmaları gibi. Efenim inanç değişik bir şeydir, çünkü ıspatlanamaz! Aslında kimse Tanrının varlığını yada yokluğunu ıspatlayamaz. Sadece inanır yada inanmaz, kimileri yaratana inanmak ister kimileri inanmamak. Buradan yola çıkarsak ben size yobazlar gibi "benim dinim hak din" ayağı yapacak yada "bak oğlum inancım ne kadar mantıklı işte, en doğrusu bu" diyerek ego tatmin edecek değilim. Çünkü dediğim gibi,  bu benim inancım. Ben Evrenin Tanrı olduğuna inanıyorum ve bu inanç ile inanılmaz derece mutlu, huzurluyum. Ellerimi toprağa değdirdiğimde, suyu yüzüme çarptığımda, yemek yediğimde, rüzgara kapıldığımda, her anda beni yaratan Tanrıyı hissediyor ve mutlu oluyorum.

Bu arada sizden bir ricam var, deizm ile ilgili yazılarımda çok başıma geldiği için söylüyorum bunu. Arkadaşlar sizler için bu yazıyı yazıp düzenlemem neredeyse 10 saatimi aldı, şaftım kaydı yani. O yüzden paylaşmak istediğinizde lütfen linkini (bağlantı adresini) paylaşın yada aşağıdaki paylaşım tuşlarını kullanın. Yazıyı kopyala yapıştır yapmamanızı rica ediyorum çünkü emeğim anlamsız kalıyo o durumda. Yeni yazılarımda görüşmek üzere efem, şimdilik kalın sağlıcakla, bende insanım yani saatlerdir bunu yazıyorum nan, sırtım öyle ağrıdı ki zannedersin saatlerdir sırtımda bir jokeyle kum pistte koşuyom babasını satayım.

Yazan: A.Kara
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