Showing posts with label Religion sucks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religion sucks. Show all posts

Thursday, September 20, 2018


Religion, Bible,Does the Bible use the word Muslim?,Luke 6:40,Bible Luke, Islam, Religion sucks,
This post is presented to refute the gross misuse of Luke 6:40 by Muslims who claim that verse uses the term Muslim when translated upon translation of another translation.

Once again, we have desperate Muslims performing linguistic gymnastics in an attempt to misrepresent the etymology of a specific word. Here we find Muslims citing Luke 6:40 as if it says the word Muslim. Apparently, Muslims don't see the fallacious aspect of their argument when making a claim that a specific word is the same based on similar sounds these words make? A rat must be a cat, and house a mouse because they sound similar?

Folks, please keep in mind that the Injil (Gospels) was first written in Greek, not in Hebrew or Aramaic, nor in Arabic.

Here is Luke 6:40, "The disciple is not above his master; but everyone that is perfect shall be as his master."

The Greek word that Muslims are jumping through hoops to perform their linguistic gymnastics is "katertismenos" derived from the word "katardidzo" according to the Greek lexicon. The following is how this word is rendered according to the Strong's Concordance as noted from Blue Letter Bible (

1) to render, i.e. to fit, sound, complete
a) to mend (what has been broken or rent), to repair
i) to complete
b) to fit out, equip, put in order, arrange, adjust
i) to fit or frame for one's self, prepare
c) ethically: to strengthen, perfect, complete, make one what he ought to be

Yet, apparently, these Muslims in the midst of their linguistic gymnastics, forgot to talk with someone that knows how to speak Hebrew.

When one reads the Hebrew translation of Luke 6:40 is:

התלמיד אינו יודע יותר ממורו, אולם אם ילמד בשקידה ובחריצות יוכל להגיע לרמת ידיעותיו של המורה.

The Greek word “katērtismenos” is translated into Hebrew as “learn diligence”. Nowhere will you find the word “she’mushlam” in this verse, as this is not a proper rendering of the translation of the Greek word into Hebrew. Furthermore, even if one was to appeal to such an argument, the entire word as noted from these deceitful Muslims is she'mushlam which does not mean Muslim unless the one making such arguments purposely distorts the word to omit the "she"??? In addition, as noted by the definitions above, we find that the Greek word "katērtismenos" does not denote submission, which the 7th Century term Muslim implies. Therefore, these words carry different meanings, which means they are not the same nor did anyone in the 1st Century imply them to be a religious term associated with Islam.

Thus, this begs the question, if the so-called term "she'mushlam" means Muslim, then why was this term not used significantly elsewhere in religious texts to denote such a religion or people group? Why did it take until the 7th Century before the term was originated as Muslim in the Arabic? Why do Muslims have to appeal to a translation of a translation of a translation in an attempt to find a specific word, when the context of such a reading does not give premise to the usage of the 7th Century meaning? This is an etymological fallacy in which a reader attempts to misuse or misrepresent the original or historical meaning of a word or phrase as if it was similar to a more modern term, such as a Muslim attempting to read back a 7th Century term as if it was the same in the 1st Century.

Thereby, I challenge any Muslim to provide any ancient antiquity of evidence proving that in the 1st Century the term "she'mushlam" referred to one who submits? However, what is even more damaging is the fact the Greek word "katērtismenos" has as root καταρτίζω, which when it is translated into Arabic, it is بصيرة (baseera), meaning insight, able to see, sober or perception.

Yet, here is the final nail in the coffin of the Muslim who appeals to such an argument which is taken from their own Koran. Please keep in mind that Jesus was present on earth during the 1st Century, and His disciples were present during and after His ministry.

Surah 61:14 “O ye who believe! Be ye helpers of Allah: As said Jesus the son of Mary to the Disciples, "Who will be my helpers to (the work of) Allah?" Said the disciples, "We are Allah's helpers!" then a portion of the Children of Israel believed, and a portion disbelieved: But We gave power to those who believed, against their enemies, and they became the ones that prevailed.”

Surah 3:52 “But when Jesus became conscious of their disbelief, he cried: who will my helpers in the cause of Allah? The disciples said we will be Allah's helpers. We believe in Allah and bear thou witness that we have surrendered.”

Surah 3:55 “Behold! Allah said: "O Jesus! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee (of the falsehoods) of those who blaspheme; I will make THOSE WHO FOLLOW THE SUPERIOR to those who reject faith, to the Day of Resurrection: Then shall ye all return unto me, and I will judge between you of the matters wherein ye dispute.”

Author: Trend Smith
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Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Muhammad Ibn Abdullah appeared to be a member of the Islamic militant group of the Islamic militant group of the Islamic Republic of Iran. in Arabia. A few examples will explain what I mean:

1. The story of Abraham is the father of the Jewish race of Christian faith was twisted to be the Ancestor of Muhammad the Qyurash Arab through the Ishmael of the last of Abraham of whom God has no covenant. Gen 17:21, 21: 2

2. The story of Abraham was twisted to Abraham (Gen 22; 2) was twisted to Sarah the wife of Abraham (Gen 22; 2) was twisted to Ishmael and his Egyptian mother was born out of wedlock (Q2: 127) Abraham who was tried to be sacrificed on Mount Moriah is a prophet in Islam who followed his father to the valley of Mecca to build Kaaba the shrine of the polytheists which became the center of Islamic worship . Can you believe this?

3. The story of Alexander the Great, the Greek conqueror and King who conquered the world of his time, as well as the history of the two horn man was Twisted to an Islamic prophet and Messengers of Allah called Dhul-Garnain in the Quran 18: 83-86, he was said to have been sent by Allah to follow the sun till he reached the land of the setting sun to either punish them or allow them to live. Can you believe this?

4. The story of Mary the mother of Jesus from Judah who born Jesus in Bethlehem of Judea in a manger was twisted to be Meriam the sister of Aaron the brother of Moses from the tribe of Levi who gave birth to Jesus ) - (he probably means Esau the twin brother of Jacob who is Isa in Arabic) under a Palm tree. (Q19: 23-28) Can you believe this?

5. The story of Jesus Christ who was confirmed crucified by Roman soldiers dead and buried but rose again after three days and ascended to heaven after forty days of appearing to his disciples and giving him much assurance of his resurrected life and gave him his last command (Q4: 157.) Can you believe this? I did not have any problems.

6. The Story of Jesus Coming back again as the kingdom of Kings and Lords of Lord (Rev 1: 8,19: 16 was twisted means Jesus only coming back to deny Christians who worship him as God burn crosses, marry and live as a Muslim and die and be buried beside the grave of Muhammad. Can you believe this? Let me stop here and wait for the Muslims response.

Author: Clement Hore
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Sunday, August 19, 2018


Religion, Belief, Belief System, Belief and People, Existence, Truth about existence, Religion sucks, Truth of life, Live and learn,
The greatest threat to humanity which always has been a major cause of conflicts and the major cause for own suffering for human beings, in the past for thousands of years and even for today, is 'BELIEF SYSTEM'.

Living with the Belief system is such an obscene way of living life, it is obscene for both the individual and also for people living around.

Let's see, what a particular Belief System does to a human being :

Whenever one will create and hold a Belief,
That person is creating limitations for themselves. That person can never know life in its entirety. Someone creates a belief about life only when someone doesn't know the truth about life. If someone knows the truth about life, will there be any requirement of creating and holding on to a belief?
Not only this, belief means the conclusion, it means the end or death of knowing. Belief is merely an assumption of the truth, not the truth itself.

Not only this, that Belief will make that person salve, because his very life will be unknowingly dedicated to protect that belief, making that person always anxious to protect the belief in every way possible, which is the very source of unnecessary conflicts among humans. This is what religion has done in the past, and is also doing it now.
Again, because of this belief, the person cannot be liberated from own created slavery, and because of this slavery, that person cannot be involved with every moment of life.

So How to know the truth about anything in the existence?

To know anything in this existence, one has been to entirely involved in it, only then that person can experience it in its entirety, naturally oñly then the person can know it.

So what's the truth of life?
You can not know this, without being absolutely involved in the life process, only when you get absolutely involve, only then you can experience it, and only by experiencing anything, u can know the truth about it. There's no other way of knowing it.

Author: Rahul Shanmugam
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Religion, Christianity, Snake handlers,Christian snake handlers,Snake handling in Christianity,Religion sucks,Religion is bullshit,West Virginia,Kentucky,Appalachia
The handling of poisonous snakes in certain religious sects is a part of the Christian worship service in a few parts of Appalachia, mainly in Kentucky, West Virginia and Tennessee.

I have a few questions for avid snake handlers:

1. Are the blessings received proportional to time spent with snakes in hand? Is there a limit to the blessings you receive should the snake handling time exceed the maximum blessing? You wouldn't want to continue handling any longer than necessary, I’d suspect.

2. Are you blessing-eligible at all for fondling non-venomous serpents? How do you know you’ve been blessed after a session with the serpents?

3. How long do the snake-handling induced blessings last? Say, if blessings dissipate from your soul around mid-week, could you make a quick snake run, handle a snake or two and get a blessing RELOAD to hold you over till the next Sunday service?

4. Is the amount of protection from viper bites, proportional to the strength of your faith? How do you know how much faith is enough faith to keep from being bitten? How do you measure that faith? Is there a faith meter installed in church? If you lack faith, are you more likely to get bitten? How would the snakes know?

5. What about poisonous spiders, frogs, and scorpions??? Any blessing credit for handling those? There should be some kind of sliding scale.

6. Do dancing, shouting and turning flips while handling the snakes increase the quantity OR the quality of blessings? What about talking in tongues? Does that help?

7. If you seek medical attention after a bite, are all your blessings canceled? How about a faith healer?

These are very important questions for current snake handlers or for those who hope to "take up" the practice.

Author: Doug Hullander
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