An artists impression map of the rendering of the universe according to the bible, Gods word. A concept that is still held dear today in religious fundamentals.
Why would a god reveal wrong information . could it be that ancients attributed their own ignorant thoughts to a god? In a subjective way !!? You may say that God cares that why he made it possible for us later humans after thousands of years to develop tech to navigate the universe and know things.
If God is all powerful, why did he decide the ancients to have a crappy and stupid concept of the universe? A God who requires hundreds of thousands of years to prove a point is not an omnipotent god.
A god who waits for human brains to evolve with time and develop tech to answer themselves is indeed a god who obeys and is subject to the laws of nature which he supposedly created himself.
And such a god is self-refuting. A question has been asked, can God create something so heavy as a rock, that even himself can't lift?
It was dubbed paradox of the millennium. If he can. Then he is not god. If he can't then he is not omnipotent.
Like I said I don't completely rule out the existence of a supreme first cause, or designer, but what I'm highly skeptical about is the manner in which religions perceive him and his interactions with humans. Should a god exist, then he is not inextricably intertwined with religion.
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Why would a god reveal wrong information . could it be that ancients attributed their own ignorant thoughts to a god? In a subjective way !!? You may say that God cares that why he made it possible for us later humans after thousands of years to develop tech to navigate the universe and know things.
If God is all powerful, why did he decide the ancients to have a crappy and stupid concept of the universe? A God who requires hundreds of thousands of years to prove a point is not an omnipotent god.
A god who waits for human brains to evolve with time and develop tech to answer themselves is indeed a god who obeys and is subject to the laws of nature which he supposedly created himself.
And such a god is self-refuting. A question has been asked, can God create something so heavy as a rock, that even himself can't lift?
It was dubbed paradox of the millennium. If he can. Then he is not god. If he can't then he is not omnipotent.
Like I said I don't completely rule out the existence of a supreme first cause, or designer, but what I'm highly skeptical about is the manner in which religions perceive him and his interactions with humans. Should a god exist, then he is not inextricably intertwined with religion.
Author: Tut Baue